SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2012

Progress in the Implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe

image of SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2012

This ssessment of SME policy frameworks in eastern partnership countries helps support SME policy development in the eastern partnership countries through identification of strong and weak points in SME policy elaboration and implementation.


Standards and technical regulations (Dimension 7)

Help SMEs to benefit more from the opportunities offered by the single market (Small Business Act Principle 7)

Dimension 7 of the SBA assesses the level of progress of Eastern Partner (EaP) countries in eliminating technical trade barriers for industrial and agricultural products. Such barriers can cause severe distortions by preventing market access, protecting domestic producers and discriminating between domestic and foreign producers. Some EaP countries have tariff-free market access to the Single Market through the special incentive arrangement for sustainable development and good governance (GSP+). Today, technical trade barriers still represent one of the most significant obstacles to the liberalisation of trade between the EU and the EaP countries.Ukraine and Belarus are addressing technical trade barriers for industrial products. The EU completed negotiations on a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Ukraine in 2011, implying considerable approximation of legislation in this area. All the EaP countries (except Azerbaijan) have made considerable progress in aligning their sanitary and phytosanitary legislation with the EU framework.


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