Water Governance in OECD Countries

A Multi-level Approach

image of Water Governance in OECD Countries

This report addresses multilevel governance challenges in water policy implementation and identifies good practices for coordinating water policy across ministries, between levels of government, and across local actors at subnational level. Based on a methodological framework, it assesses the main “coordination gaps” in terms of policymaking, financing, information, accountability, objectives and capacity building, and provides a platform of existing governance mechanisms to bridge them. Based on an extensive survey on water governance the report provides a comprehensive institutional mapping of roles and responsibilities in water policy-making at national/subnational level in 17 OECD countries. It concludes on preliminary multilevel governance guidelines for integrated water policy.

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Mapping Institutional Roles and Responsibilities

This chapter aims to identify who does what in terms of water policy design, regulation, budget and implementation as well as the modalities for allocating roles and responsibilities in the water sector. It offers a tentative taxonomy of OECD countries based on the institutional organisation of the water sector, and identifies key features and trends within the OECD region in terms of allocating roles and responsibilities. Information was collected from responses to the 2010 OECD Survey on Water Governance, regarding the ministries, public agencies, levels of government and sub-national actors involved in specific areas and functions of water policy making. Detailed institutional mappings of 17 OECD countries are attached to the present report within country profiles available in the annex.

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