Performance-based Funding for Public Research in Tertiary Education Institutions

Workshop Proceedings

image of Performance-based Funding for Public Research in Tertiary Education Institutions


Governments are seeking to channel research funds into universities and other institutions in ways that support high-quality research in strategically important areas and bolster effective knowledge diffusion. These issues of steering and funding have even more relevance in light of the current  financial crisis and economic downturn which have seen severe fiscal pressures fall on many countries.

This publication presents a collection of papers presented at an OECD workshop on performance-based funding of public research in tertiary education institutions. It takes stock of current thinking and practice around performance-based funding of public research in tertiary education institutions, as a tool to help governments meet their research goals. These funding models are essentially systems of ex-post evaluation of research outputs and outcomes from universities and other tertiary institutions, and are generally based on peer review, bibliometric or other quantitative indicators. Their results are used to inform government decisions about how much and which institutions to fund.


Annex A. Workshop summary

The workshop on performance-based funding of public research in tertiary education institutions was opened by Mr. Andrew Wyckoff (Director, OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry) and Ms. Toril Johansson (Director General, Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research). Mr. Wyckoff welcomed participants and highlighted the crucial contribution that the research of tertiary education institutions (TEIs) can make to solving some of society’s big challenges. Ms. Johansson noted that ongoing changes to countries’ funding schemes suggested that the ideal model had not yet been found, and expressed hope that the workshop would help in gaining more knowledge about systems and performance indicators as well as in identifying important issues for further exploration. The meeting was then handed over to the day’s chairwomen, Ms. Karen Haegemans (Flemish Authority, Department Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie, Belgium) and Ms. Jana Weidemann (Ministry of Education and Research, Norway).


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