OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Luxembourg 2012

image of OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Luxembourg 2012

This book provides, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues facing the educational evaluation and assessment framework, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches in Luxembourg.


Teacher appraisal

Teacher appraisal is the least developed component within the Luxembourgish evaluation and assessment framework. At present there is no way of knowing the quality of pedagogy in Luxembourg since the effectiveness of classroom practice is not appraised. The chapter presents main features of the teaching profession in Luxembourg, as well as an overview of current teacher appraisal procedures, those responsible for teacher appraisal and how the results of teacher appraisal are used. Based on an analysis of strengths and challenges in the current approach, the chapter presents a set of recommendations to develop a system for teacher appraisal in Luxembourg aiming to provide feedback for improvement and to reward effective teaching.


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