OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Australia 2011

image of OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Australia 2011

This book provides, for Australia, an independent analysis of major issues facing its educational evaluation and assessment framework, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches. It shows how student assessment, teacher appraisal, school evaluation and system evaluation can bring about real gains in performance across Australia's school system.


Teacher appraisal

Teacher appraisal varies across states and territories but typically occurs in three specific instances: (i) To gain registration to teach within the state or territory; (ii) As part of the employer’s performance management processes; and (iii) To gain promotion positions in schools in recognition of quality teaching performance (Advanced Skills Teaching positions). Particularly positive features of teacher appraisal include the existence of teaching standards; registration processes which are consolidated; performance management processes which provide a good basis for developmental teacher appraisal; and Advanced Skills Teaching positions which grant opportunities for recognition of skills and competencies. Priorities for future policy development include aligning teaching standards with a competency-based career structure for teachers; conceiving teacher registration as career-progression evaluation; performing developmental evaluation through teacher appraisal as part of performance management processes; reinforcing linkages between teacher appraisal, professional development and school development; and strengthening competencies for teacher appraisal. These policies seek to render teacher appraisal more systematic and meaningful across the system; provide teachers with more opportunities for feedback; better address cases of underperformance; better align competencies at different stages of the career and the roles and responsibilities of teachers in schools; and improve the recognition of teachers’ work.


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