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Year Index

  • 07 Nov 2022
  • OECD, European Commission, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 340

What challenges and opportunities does the green transition entail for Latin America and the Caribbean? This 15th edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook explores options for the region to recast its production models, transform its energy matrix and create better jobs in the process. It argues that, for this transition to be just, stronger social-protection systems and open dialogue must help build new, sustainable social contracts. In support of this ambitious agenda, the report presents an array of financing options, including green finance, and advocates for renewed international partnerships.

  • 15 Dec 2023
  • OECD, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, European Commission
  • Pages: 283

Latin America and the Caribbean needs an ambitious and comprehensive investment agenda to embark on a stronger and more sustainable development trajectory. The 16th edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook proposes ways to make this possible through co-ordinated actions by policy makers, the private sector and international partners. It argues that to close existing investment gaps and overcome the region’s structural challenges, it is essential to scale up domestic and foreign investment. These investments should be a catalyst for better quality jobs and an upgraded production structure, harnessing the potential of LAC’s endowments and of the green and digital transitions. Better governance and information are key to promoting effective and efficient public and private investments. Public institutions are fundamental to aligning investments with national development strategies while building stronger social contracts. The report presents a series of options for financing this new investment agenda, including innovative debt instruments and a renewed role for development finance institutions. The report also highlights the importance of reinvigorated international partnerships across the investment agenda.

  • 03 Sept 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 35

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) provides information on the sources, production processes, pathways and use patterns of chemicals used as additives in plastics to assist in the
estimation of releases of chemicals to the environment.

India, the Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE) initiative aims to encourage the adoption of sustainable lifestyles in India and internationally to tackle the challenges of environmental degradation and climate change.

This report examines how India has integrated several policies in its energy transition strategy that are aligned with the LiFE initiative, highlighting the potential for behavioural change and consumption choices to help advance energy transitions globally.

It then analyses the impact on energy consumption, costs and emissions of measures like those proposed by the LiFE initiative, such as buying an EV or taking public transport, if they were adopted globally.

Finally, it considers how India’s first G20 Presidency could strengthen the LiFE initiative by anchoring it in the G20’s current framing of energy transitions and initiating processes to gather experience and best practices of policies and programmes that G20 members are already conducting.

  • 03 May 2019
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 348

Aviation is one of the most regulated industries in the world. Much of this regulation is safety-related, to mitigate the inherent risks tied with air transport. But aviation is also subject to economic regulation that influences which airline flies which route, at which frequency, capacity and price. It even stipulates the nationality of its owners and decision makers. Aviation has freed itself from some restrictions over the past three decades, with many benefits to society. Yet liberalisation has also raised issues with regard to maintaining fair competition, high labour standards and mitigating aviation’s growing environmental impact.

Improving the environmental performance of agriculture is a high priority for OECD countries. But measuring and evaluating the impact of agri-environmental policies on the environment can be challenging, as it requires linking economic and biophysical models in country-specific  contexts. 

The OECD has developed the Stylised Agri-environmental Policy Impact Model (SAPIM), which can be adapted and applied by researchers and policy makers to better understand the impact of policies on the agri-environment conditions in their countries. 

This report applies the model to representative farms in Finland, Japan, Switzerland and the United States. These countries include a wide range of objectives, policy measures and agri-environmental conditions. The results highlight that when positive or negative environmental externalities are not taken into account by farmers then the production choices by farmers will reflect private costs and benefits. Policies can potentially raise social welfare by taking account of those externalities. 

This report notes that, overall, the diversity of conditions across sectors and countries makes it difficult to generalise the impact of agri-environmental policies beyond the situations that are modeled. Nevertheless, some wider policy messages emerge. Drawing on the four case studies examined, this report recommends that; polluting activites that are not regulated should be included in policy design; the existing overall policy environment needs to be taken into account in evaluating agri-environmental policies; and environmental co-benefits and trade-offs need to be recognised.  

Green growth policies can stimulate economic growth while preventing environmental degradation, biodiversity loss and unsustainable natural resource use. The results from this publication contribute to the Green Growth Strategy being developed by the OECD as a practical policy package for governments to harness the potential of greener growth.

  • 11 Oct 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 348

In many OECD countries, governments have invested large amounts of public money to support renewable energy (RE) development and are requiring significant quantities of it to be sold by energy providers. But what are the economic impacts of these policies on the rural regions where deployment takes place? How can RE bring the greatest benefit to host regions? These are some of the questions explored by this study. Drawing on case studies in 16 regions within 10 countries, the research finds that while RE indeed represents an opportunity for stimulating economic growth in rural communities, its development benefits are not automatic. Realising them requires a complex and flexible policy framework and a long-term strategy, as well as a realistic appreciation of the potential gains from RE deployment.  Making a positive connection between RE development and local economic growth will require more coherent strategies, the right set of local conditions, and a place-based approach to deployment. 

The Sami have lived for time immemorial in an area that today extends across the Kola Peninsula in Russia, northern Finland, northern Norway's coast and inland, and the northern half of Sweden. The Sami play an important role in these northern economies thanks to their use of land, their involvement in reindeer husbandry, agriculture/farming and food production, and connection with the region’s tourism industry. However, in Sweden, as in the other states where the Sami live, the connections with regional development are often inconsistent and weak, and could do more to support the preservation and promotion of Sami culture and create new employment and business opportunities. This study, together with the OECD’s broader thematic work on this topic, provides actionable recommendations on how to better include the Sami and other Indigenous Peoples in regional development strategies, learning from and incorporating their own perspectives on sustainable development in the process.

Lobbying, as a way to influence and inform governments, has been part of democracy for at least two centuries, and remains a legitimate tool for influencing public policies. However, it carries risks of undue influence. Lobbying in the 21st century has also become increasingly complex, including new tools for influencing government, such as social media, and a wide range of actors, such as NGOs, think tanks and foreign governments. This report takes stock of the progress that countries have made in implementing the OECD Principles for Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying. It reflects on new challenges and risks related to the many ways special interest groups attempt to influence public policies, and reviews tools adopted by governments to effectively safeguard impartiality and fairness in the public decision-making process.

Transition and emerging economies have difficulties developing their financial markets to a level that would provide access to long-term debt finance at an affordable cost. This report examines opportunities beyond the public sector for financing water and other environmental infrastructure. Specifically, opportunities for accessing savings through private financial and capital markets have been examined. The report identifies bottlenecks to the development of local financial markets for environmental infrastructure and discusses policy recommendations to tackle them.

  • 27 Jan 2017
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 72

This report is the third and final output of a ten-year international research project studying the costs and viability of long-life road pavement surfacings. It describes the results of tests conducted with epoxy asphalt and high performance cementitious materials (HPCM) on real road sections in France, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. The project was initiated to address a growing problem for road administrations and road users: frequent closures of roadways for repairs and repaving as a result of surface pavements that have improved but still barely kept up with increased loads and traffic density.

  • 03 Sept 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 119

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) provides information on the sources, use patterns and release pathways of chemicals used in lubricants to assist in the estimation of releases of chemicals into the environment.

  • 12 Dec 2023
  • African Union Commission, OECD
  • Pages: 252

Il rapporto "Le dinamiche di sviluppo dell'Africa" fa tesoro degli insegnamenti tratti dalle esperienze dell'Africa centrale, orientale, settentrionale, meridionale e occidentale per elaborare raccomandazioni strategiche e condividere le buone pratiche in tutto il continente. Basandosi sulle statistiche più recenti, l'analisi delle dinamiche di sviluppo mira ad aiutare i leader africani a conseguire gli obiettivi dell'Agenda 2063 dell'Unione africana a tutti i livelli: continentale, regionale, nazionale e locale.

La presente edizione esamina in che modo l'Africa possa attirare investimenti in grado di offrire il miglior equilibrio tra obiettivi economici, sociali e ambientali. I suoi dati recenti e le sue analisi sono messi a disposizione dei responsabili politici al fine di migliorare le valutazioni dei rischi, rafforzare i partenariati diretti dall'Africa e accelerare l'integrazione regionale in modo da aumentare gli investimenti sostenibili. Due capitoli esaminano il panorama degli investimenti in Africa e le relative priorità politiche a livello di continente. I cinque capitoli regionali propongono raccomandazioni ad hoc per settori strategici quali gli ecosistemi naturali, le energie rinnovabili, i finanziamenti per il clima e le catene di valore agroalimentari.

Il rapporto "Le dinamiche di sviluppo dell'Africa" alimenta il dibattito politico tra i governi dell'Unione africana, i cittadini, gli imprenditori e i ricercatori. Propone una nuova collaborazione tra Paesi e regioni, incentrata sull'apprendimento reciproco e sulla conservazione dei beni comuni, ed è il frutto della collaborazione tra la Commissione dell'Unione africana e il Centro per lo sviluppo dell'OCSE.

French, English, Portuguese
  • 09 Feb 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 98

La transición hacia la economía circular para la ciudad de Valladolid, España, representa una oportunidad para un mayor atractivo y competitividad, a la vez que proporciona respuestas a los retos medioambientales. La ciudad de Valladolid pretende ser un referente como ciudad sostenible, reduciendo los residuos, disminuyendo el uso de materias primas y aumentando el uso de energías renovables, al tiempo que estimula el crecimiento económico y el bienestar social. Este informe pretende apoyar a Valladolid en el desarrollo de una estrategia coherente de economía circular, sobre la base de diversas iniciativas ya en marcha para financiar proyectos de economía circular, y sensibilizar y promover una cultura emprendedora sobre la economía circular.


Los países desarrollados tienen el compromiso de movilizar, para el año 2020, la cantidad anual de 100.000 millones de dólares para la financiación de la lucha contra el cambio climático en los países en desarrollo. Transcurridos cinco años desde que se formulase ese compromiso en la COP15 de Copenhague de 2009, y cuando faltan seis para el año 2020, este documento da cuenta de los avances logrados y del nivel de financiación para el clima conseguido por los países desarrollados en el bienio 2013-14. Sin duda se han logrado importantes avances de cara a este objetivo. De acuerdo con las estimaciones preliminares de este informe, la financiación relacionada con el cambio climático alcanzó la cifra de 62.000 millones de dólares en 2014, frente a 52.000 millones en 2013, con lo que el promedio anual fue de 57.000 millones de dólares en el bienio de referencia. Este informe pretende ser transparente y riguroso en la evaluación de los datos disponibles, así como en la elección de los supuestos de que partir y en las metodologías utilizadas, dentro siempre de las limitaciones que supone todo informe sobre datos agregados. Los enfoques metodológicos y la recopilación de datos que avalan las presentes estimaciones evolucionan sin cesar. Pese a ello, y como se apunta en el propio informe, todavía queda bastante por hacer para poder contar en el futuro con unas estimaciones más exhaustivas y precisas. La OCDE y la Iniciativa de Política Climática (CPI) están dispuestas a apoyar en la realización de esos esfuerzos.

French, English
  • 06 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 130

La medición de la innovación: Una nueva perspectiva presenta nuevas mediciones y nuevas maneras de examinar los indicadores tradicionales. Se basa en 50 años de trabajo de la OCDE en el desarrollo de indicadores y va más allá de la I+D para describir el amplio contexto en que sucede la innovación. Incluye algunos indicadores experimentales que ofrecen una nueva perspectiva sobre áreas de interés de políticas públicas. Destaca los vacíos de medición y propone direcciones para avanzar en el programa de medición.
Esta obra comienza con una descripción de la innovación en la actualidad. Se enfoca en lo que está motivando la innovación en las empresas, en la forma en la que el panorama científico y de investigación se reconfigura gracias a las convergencias, a la interdisciplinariedad y a la nueva geografía de la innovación. Presenta mediciones más amplias de innovación, por ejemplo, usando nuevos indicadores de inversión en activos intangibles y marcas registradas.
El capital humano es un insumo básico de la innovación y una serie de indicadores examinan la forma en que los sistemas educativos contribuyen a las bases del conocimiento y la investigación. Otras series analizan de qué manera las empresas transforman las habilidades y el conocimiento y hacen más claros los diferentes roles de la inversión pública y privada respecto al fomento a la innovación y a sus beneficios con ejemplos concretos de los inmensos retos mundiales, como la salud y el cambio climático.
La medición de la innovación es un gran paso hacia una forma de crear políticas públicas de innovación basadas en la evidencia. Complementa indicadores tradicionales de “posicionamiento” con otros que muestran que la innovación está, o puede estar, relacionada con las políticas públicas. También reconoce que falta mucho por hacer y señala los retos de medición que los expertos en estadística, investigadores y encargados de diseñar políticas públicas necesitan enfrentar.

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