Browse by: "2017"


Title Index

Year Index


O relatório tem como principal foco a cobrança pelo uso de recursos hídricos no Brasil. Avalia o seu estado atual e os desafios de implementação. Proporciona orientações para o avanço da implementação da cobrança no País como instrumento econômico e financeiro de gestão, visando prevenir e responder a situações de conflito pelo uso da água e de poluição, contribuindo para a segurança hídrica, e, consequentemente, favorecendo o crescimento econômico e o bem-estar social. O relatório evidencia a necessidade de informações, a aproximação da cobrança ao planejamento da bacia e a aplicação eficiente dos recursos arrecadados. O relatório inclui uma avaliação de três estudos de caso: o Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a Bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul e a Bacia do rio Piancó-Piranhas-Açu. Conclui com um plano de ação com etapas de implementação prática e delimitação de funções: quem pode fazer o quê para implementar as recomendações a curto, médio e longo prazo.

  • 22 Dec 2017
  • OECD, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 312

The Environmental Performance Review programme of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) provides independent assessments of countries’ progress in achieving their domestic and international environmental policy commitments, together with policy-relevant recommendations. The reviews are conducted to promote peer learning, enhance governments’ accountability to each other and to the public, and to improve countries’ environmental performance, individually and collectively. The OECD has been conducting these reviews since 1992, supported by a broad range of economic and environmental data. Each cycle of the Environmental Performance Reviews covers all OECD member countries and selected partner countries. The most recent reviews include: Colombia (2014), Spain (2015), Brazil (2015) and Chile (2016). The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has promoted environmental reviews in Latin America and the Caribbean, in cooperation with the OECD, and has undertaken similar assessments in the states of Amazonas and Acre in Brazil.

Part I. Progress toward sustainable development
Chapter 1. Background and key environmental trends
Chapter 2. Policy-making environment
Chapter 3. Economy and the environment
Chapter 4. Society and environment
Chapter 5. International co-operation and commitments

Part II. Environmental quality of life
Chapter 6. Air quality management
Chapter 7. Management of waste and chemicals
Chapter 8. Water resources
Chapter 9. Biodiversity

Part III. Use of natural resources base
Chapter 10. Farming and forestry
Chapter 11. Fisheries
Chapter 12. Mining sector

Annex I: Selected Data


Volume 7 of the Series compiles the OECD consensus documents for use in environmental risk assessment of transgenic organisms (biosafety) issued in 2016 and 2017.

The first two chapters cover the biology of plant species (sorghum and tomato) and include elements of taxonomy, centres of origin, reproductive biology, genetics, outcrossing, crop production and cultivation practices, interactions with other organisms, main pests and pathogens, and biotechnological developments.

The third chapter relates to Atlantic salmon, the first OECD biosafety publication to address an animal species. It describes the biology and ecology of wild salmon (including classification, life stages, reproduction, centres of origin, geographical distribution, population dynamics, interaction with other organisms) and of the farmed form (domestication, aquaculture rearing practices, biocontainment, interactions with the external environment). It also provides elements of genetics, research on genetically engineered salmon and resources for its risk assessment.

  • 19 Dec 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 228

Canada, the world's second largest country by area, has abundant natural resources. Its vast territory includes large tracts of undisturbed wilderness. However, urbanisation and agriculture are putting pressure on the natural asset base. Since 2000, Canada has made progress in decoupling economic growth from air pollution, energy consumption and GHG emissions, but it remains one of the most energy- and emissions-intensive economies in the OECD. Further progress is needed to transition to a green, low-carbon economy.

This is the third Environmental Performance Review of Canada. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with special features on climate change mitigation and urban wastewater management.

  • 19 Dec 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 264

Canada, le deuxième pays le plus vaste du monde, possède d'abondantes richesses naturelles. Son immense territoire comprend de vastes étendues de nature intacte. Cependant, l'urbanisation et l'agriculture font pression sur les richesses naturelles du pays. Depuis 2000, le Canada a progressé dans le découplage de la croissance économique par rapport à la pollution de l'air, la consommation d'énergie et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, mais il demeure l'une des économies à plus haute intensité d'énergie et d'émissions de l'OCDE. De plus amples efforts sont nécessaires pour passer à une économie verte, à bas carbone.

Ce rapport est le troisième examen environnemental du Canada. Il évalue ses progrès en matière de développement durable et de croissance verte, avec des chapitres détaillés sur le changement climatique et le traitement des eaux usées urbaines.


Pour diverses raisons, la consommation d'énergie dans le secteur agroalimentaire continue d'augmenter et, dans de nombreux pays, dépend fortement des combustibles fossiles, contribuant ainsi de manière significative aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Il devient donc urgent d'examiner comment la chaîne d'approvisionnement alimentaire peut améliorer son efficacité énergétique. Ce rapport analyse les moyens d'améliorer l’efficacité d’utilisation de l’énergie dans le secteur agro-alimentaire, aussi bien pour les producteurs que pour les consommateurs, et propose un ensemble de recommandations d’action que les pouvoirs publics peuvent mettre en œuvre pour atteindre les objectifs de croissance verte et parvenir au développement durable.


Les enseignements des sciences comportementales peuvent aider les décideurs à mieux comprendre les mécanismes comportementaux qui concourent aux problèmes d’environnement et leur permettre d’élaborer et de mettre en œuvre des réponses plus efficaces. Ce rapport passe en revue les applications récentes des enseignements des sciences comportementales qui visent à orienter les individus et les entreprises vers des décisions de consommation, d’investissement et de mise en conformité plus durables.

En s’appuyant sur les interventions mises en place par les ministères et organismes chargés des questions d’environnement et d’énergie et sur le travail des équipes intergouvernementales d’étude des enseignements des sciences comportementales, le rapport décrit comment les sciences comportementales ont été intégrées dans les processus d’élaboration des politiques. Différents domaines d’action sont abordés : consommation d’énergie, d’eau et de produits alimentaires, choix du mode de transport et du véhicule, gestion des déchets et efficacité d’utilisation des ressources, respect de la réglementation environnementale et participation à des programmes volontaires. Le rapport met en lumière ce qui a marché – ou pas – dans les pratiques mises en œuvre dans les pays de l’OCDE et ailleurs.


La Svizzera ha fatto dei passi avanti verso il miglioramento delle performance ambientali dei settori agricolo, energetico e dei trasporti. Il Paese si è affermato tra i migliori Paesi dell’OCSE in termini d’intensità delle emissioni di gas serra e può essere lodato per il suo approccio innovativo nella rivitalizzazione della rete idrografica. Tuttavia, si possono constatare anche ambiti problematici, quali le abitudini di consumo non sostenibili, la produzione di un elevato volume di rifiuti urbani e le alte percentuali di specie minacciate. Quale importante piazza finanziaria, la Svizzera gioca un ruolo fondamentale nella promozione della finanza verde.

Questo è il terzo rapporto sulle performance ambientali della Svizzera. Valuta i progressi compiuti verso uno sviluppo sostenibile e una crescita verde, con particolare riferimento alla gestione delle acque come pure alla conservazione e all’uso sostenibile della biodiversità.

German, English, French
  • 02 Dec 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 58

Die Schweiz hat Schritte unternommen, um ihre Umweltleistungen im Landwirtschafts-, Energieund Verkehrsbereich zu verbessern. In Bezug auf die Treibhausgasemissionen zählt sie zu den Spitzenreitern unter den OECD-Ländern und sie verdient Anerkennung für ihren innovativen Ansatz zur Revitalisierung ihrer Fliessgewässer. Problematisch sind hingegen nicht nachhaltige Konsummuster und das hohe Siedlungsabfallaufkommen ebenso wie die hohen Anteile von gefährdeten Arten. Als wichtiges Finanzzentrum kommt der Schweiz zudem eine Schlüsselrolle in der Förderung von grünen Investitionen zu. Bei diesem Bericht handelt es sich um den dritten OECD-Prüfbericht für die Schweiz.

Darin werden die Fortschritte in Bezug auf nachhaltige Entwicklung und umweltverträgliches Wachstum bewertet, wobei die Schwerpunkte auf der Wasserbewirtschaftung, der Erhaltung der Artenvielfalt und der nachhaltigen Nutzung von Ökosystemen liegen.

Italian, English, French
  • 27 Nov 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 244

La Suisse a travaillé à l'amélioration de la performance environnementale de l'agriculture, de l'énergie et des transports. Le pays a l'une des plus basses intensités en gaz à effet de serre de l'OCDE, et s'est montré très innovant dans la réhabilitation de ses rivières. Cependant, les pratiques de consommation peu durables de la population et les quantités de déchets urbains qui en découlent, ainsi que le nombre d'espèces menacées , sont préoccupants. En tant que pôle financier, la Suisse a un rôle clé à jouer dans la promotion de la finance verte.

Ce rapport est le troisième examen environnemental de la Suisse. Il évalue ses progrès en matière de développement durable et de croissance verte, avec des chapitres détaillés sur le traitement des eaux  et sur la conservation et l'utilisation durable de la biodiversité.

German, English, Italian
  • 27 Nov 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 216

Switzerland has taken steps to improve the environmental performance of its agricultural, energy and transport sectors. The country is a top OECD performer in terms of greenhouse gas emissions intensity and it should be commended for its innovative approach towards rehabilitation of its river system. Yet unsustainable consumption patterns and high levels of municipal waste generation, as well as high percentages of threatened species, are areas of concern. As a major financial centre, Switzerland has a key role to play in promoting green finance.

This is the third Environmental Performance Review of Switzerland. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with special features on: water management and biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

Italian, German, French
  • 27 Nov 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 208

This report examines the current system of water abstraction and pollution charges in operation in Brazil. It assesses the current system’s implementation challenges and provides possible solutions. The report explores how water charges can be both an effective means for dealing with water security issues, and a tool for enhancing economic growth and social welfare. Specific analysis is put forward for three case studies in the State of Rio de Janiero, the Paraiba do Sul River Basin and the Piancó-Piranhas-Açu River Basin. The report highlights that water charges need to operate in conjunction with an effective water regulatory regime and concludes with an Action Plan based on practical steps and recommendations for its implementation in the short, medium and long-term.

  • 27 Nov 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 216

O relatório tem como principal foco a cobrança pelo uso de recursos hídricos no Brasil. Avalia o seu estado atual e os desafios de implementação. Proporciona orientações para o avanço da implementação da cobrança no País como instrumento econômico e financeiro de gestão, visando prevenir e responder a situações de conflito pelo uso da água e de poluição, contribuindo para a segurança hídrica, e, consequentemente, favorecendo o crescimento econômico e o bem-estar social. O relatório evidencia a necessidade de informações, a aproximação da cobrança ao planejamento da bacia e a aplicação eficiente dos recursos arrecadados. O relatório inclui uma avaliação de três estudos de caso: o Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a Bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul e a Bacia do rio Piancó-Piranhas-Açu. Conclui com um plano de ação com etapas de implementação prática e delimitação de funções: quem pode fazer o quê para implementar as recomendações a curto, médio e longo prazo.

  • 21 Nov 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 96

As coastal area on the Baltic Sea in north-central Poland, Pomorskie faces unique challenges and opportunities associated with the transition to a green economy, a diversified economy, growing population and significant natural resources. This report focuses on the sustainable development of the oceans and coastlines surrounding the region, known as the blue economy.
Based on an OECD survey designed to capture the needs and perceptions of local employers (mostly of small- and medium-sized enterprises [SME]), this report analyses the specific skills needed to support green growth in Pomorskie, and how related labour market and training programmes can be made more effective in supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy.


Цель настоящего доклада заключается в освещении того, каким образом страны ВЕКЦА и их партнеры по сотрудничеству в целях развития ведут совместную работу по финансированию усилий, направленных на смягчение последствий изменения климата и адаптацию к изменению климата, с использованием базы данных Комитета ОЭСР по помощи в целях развития  для анализа потоков климатического финансирования в разбивке по секторам, поставщикам финансирования, финансовым инструментам, каналам и т.д. В 2013 и 2014 годах одиннадцати странам ВЕКЦА был выделен значительный объем финансирования из международных институциональных источников (3,3 миллиарда долларов США в год), однако масштабы этого финансирования значительно варьируются от страны к стране и не являются достаточными для достижения или превышения плановых показателей в области климата, которые были заявлены ими в предполагаемых определяемых на национальном уровне вкладах (ПОНУВ), представленных к 21-й Конференции сторон РКИК ООН.

Хотя странами ВЕКЦА уже разработан целый ряд стратегий, связанных с климатом, вопрос о том, насколько эффективно осуществляются эти стратегии и в какой степени они способствуют дальнейшей мобилизации климатического финансирования, остается открытым. В связи с этим настоящий документ предлагает вопросы, отвечая на которые правительства стран ВЕКЦА смогут самостоятельно оценить свою готовность к использованию возможностей доступа к увеличивающимся объемам климатического финансирования из государственных, частных, международных и внутренних источников.


Prague is a vibrant and growing city facing significant land-use pressures related to rapid peri-urban growth. This report examines land use and governance trends in Prague and the broader metropolitan area, including the formal elements of the planning system and broader governance arrangements such as rural-urban partnerships. It provides a number of recommendations to ensure the sustainable development of regional transportation and infrastructure, affordable housing and quality public amenities.

This report discusses the main results of a project on how to reduce air pollution from urban public transport in Kazakhstan, by providing an analysis for designing a green public investment programme in this sector. This sector represents an opportunity for Kazakhstan to address key objectives in its environmental and climate-related policies as part of the country’s ambitions to transition to a green economic path of development. The investment programme is also designed to support the modernisation of the urban transport fleet in the country and stimulate the domestic market to shift to modern buses powered by clean fuels. The programme is foreseen to be implemented in two phases: the first covers the cities of Kostanay and Shymkent and the second, all major urban centres in Kazakhstan. These investments are expected to result in significant air improvement.


The water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector in Moldova is not financially sustainable: tariffs do not typically cover operational costs and capital investments are heavily funded by external development partners. This report analyses several options for streamlining and strengthening domestic financial support mechanisms (DFSMs) in terms of both supply and demand, discusses different scenarios and recommends a number of actions to ensure effective DFSM implementation, notably: 1) sufficient investment for the implementation of targets and obligations set in the national strategies, the Association Agreement with the EU, as well as Moldova’s international commitments (water-related Sustainable Development Goals, and the “Water-to-all” commitment); 2) the financial sustainability of operators; and 3) the affordability of WSS services for end-users, especially low-income segments of the population.

  • 17 Oct 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 164

With 1.2 billion people, today’s youth population aged 15-24 represents the largest cohort ever to enter the transition to adulthood. Close to 90% of these young people live in developing countries, and the numbers will practically double in the least developed countries. These young people are the world’s next generation and a unique asset. If properly nurtured, they can act as engines for economic and social progress. Hence, the political will has grown among many national governments to develop comprehensive policy frameworks that better respond to young peoples’ needs and aspirations through national youth policies.
This toolkit provides analytical tools and policy guidance, based on rigorous empirical evidence and international good practices, to countries that are developing, implementing or updating their youth policies. The toolkit includes step-by-step modules to carry out a youth well-being diagnosis and includes practical examples of common youth policies and programmes in the areas of employment, education and skills, health and civic participation.

Groundwater allocation determines who is able to use groundwater resources, how, when and where. It directly affects the value (economic, ecological, socio-cultural) that individuals and society obtain from groundwater, today and in the future. Building on the 2015 OECD publication Water Resources Allocation: Sharing Risks and Opportunities, this report focuses on groundwater and how its allocation can be improved in terms of economic efficiency, environmental effectiveness and social equity. Drawing on an analysis of groundwater’s distinctive features and nine case studies of groundwater allocation in a range of countries, the report provides practical policy guidance for groundwater allocation in the form of a "health check". This health check can be used to assess the performance of current arrangements and manage the transition towards improved allocation.

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