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Title Index

Year Index

  • 20 Dec 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 126

Improving the performance of youths in the labour market is a crucial challenge in OECD countries facing persistent youth unemployment. This report, part of a series which looks at the school-to-work transition process in sixteen countries, contains a survey of the main barriers to employment for young people in Korea, an assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of existing measures to improve the transition from school-to-work, and a set of policy recommendations for further action by the public authorities and social partners.

Too many workers leave the labour market permanently due to health problems, and yet too many people with a disabling condition are denied the opportunity to work. This second report in the OECD series Sickness, Disability and Work explores the possible factors behind this paradox. It looks specifically at the cases of Australia, Luxembourg, Spain and the United Kingdom, and highlights the roles of institutions and policies. A range of reform recommendations is put forward to deal with specific challenges facing the four countries.

Trop de travailleurs quittent pour toujours le marché du travail pour raison de santé. Et trop de personnes affectées d’un handicap se voient refuser la possibilité de travailler. C’est une tragédie à la fois sociale et économique qui frappe pratiquement l’ensemble des pays de l’OCDE. Ce rapport analyse les facteurs qui pourraient expliquer ce paradoxe. Les auteurs s’intéressent plus particulièrement aux cas de l’Australie, de l’Espagne, du Luxembourg et du Royaume-Uni et mettent en lumière le rôle des institutions et des politiques. Cet ouvrage recommande un éventail de réformes susceptibles de répondre aux défis auxquels ces quatre pays font face.

  • 13 Dec 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 206

Launched in 1998, the latest edition of this series (formerly entitled Benefit Systems and Work Incentives) provides detailed descriptions of all cash benefits available to those in and out of work as well as the taxes they are liable to pay across OECD countries. A special chapter also compares childcare costs across countries and the financial work incentives faced by parents of young children. Using the OECD tax-benefit models, total household incomes and their components are calculated for a range of family types and employment situations. The results are used to examine financial incentives to work, either part-time or full-time, as well as the extent to which social benefits prevent income poverty for those without a job. This volume presents results for 2005 and earlier years.


Finding a suitable work/family life balance is a challenge that all parents face. Some people would like to have (more) children, but do not see how they could match that commitment with their employment situation. Other parents are happy with the number of children in their family, but would like to work more. Yet other parents who are happy with their family situation, may wish to work at different hours, or reduce hours worked to spend more time with their children. This book synthesises the finding of the 13 individual country reviews published previously and extends the scope to include other OECD countries, examining tax/benefit policies, parental leave systems, child care support, and workplace practices.

"...a good source for a socio-political analysis of OECD countries and comparative political hypothesis testing."

-Stan Silverberg, Catawba College 

"...a great way of helping students learn to read and interpret graphical data."

-Ken Wedding, author of The AP Comparative Government and Politics Examination: What You Need to Know, Second Edition

Korean, French
  • 07 Nov 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 306

Local development strategies represent an important response to the challenges of globalisation, while providing a mechanism for seizing the new opportunities that globalisation offers. Nearly two decades after the fall of the Berlin wall, this book evaluates progress made and identifies what needs to be done to speed up the drive towards prosperity in Central and Eastern Europe. It demonstrates that the success of local development strategies depends on the capacity of the government and its partners to accelerate change within the policy and governance aspects of economic and social development.

Cet examen de la gestion des ressources humaines (GRH) dans les administrations publiques en Belgique fournit un diagnostic détaillé ainsi que des solutions à même d'améliorer la gestion du personnel des administrations publiques dans certaines régions. Cet examen de la gestion des ressources humaines (GRH) dans les administrations publiques en Belgique est le premier examen national réalisé par l'OCDE sur ce thème. Son but est de fournir un diagnostic détaillé ainsi que des solutions à même d'améliorer la gestion du personnel des administrations publiques dans l'Administration fédérale, l’Administration flamande, la Communauté française, la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale et la Région wallonne. L'examen compare les politiques et les pratiques entre la Belgique et les autres pays membres de l'OCDE d'une part et entre les différentes entités de gouvernement en Belgique d'autre part. Les recommandations portent sur la nécessaire réforme du cadre d'emploi intergouvernemental afin d'en supprimer les rigidités et d'améliorer la coopération, sur l'attention qu'il faudra porter à la productivité du personnel et à son efficacité, et enfin, sur l'amélioration de la gouvernance des systèmes de gestion des ressources humaines.



This review of human resource management (HRM) in Belgian government is the first country review of its kind to be carried out by the OECD. It provides a detailed diagnosis and solutions for improving the management of government employees in the Brussels-Capital Region, Federal Government, Flemish Government, French Community and Walloon Region. The report compares the policies and practices of Belgium with those in other OECD countries, as well as those across different governments in Belgium. Recommendations suggest that governments should reform the intergovernmental framework on employment to remove rigidities and enhance co-operation, pay special attention to staff productivity and efficiency, and enhance the good governance of their HRM systems.


Declining fish stocks and expanding fishing fleets have combined with growing competition from aquaculture to put increased pressure on the fishing sector to adjust the size and nature of its operations in many countries. In some fishing communities, almost sixty percent of jobs are linked to fishing and in many coastal areas there are few alternative employment opportunities for fishers. This conference proceedings analyses the social issues and policy challenges that arise from fisheries adjustment policies, and how OECD member countries are meeting those challenges.

La main-d’œuvre du secteur public vieillit encore plus rapidement que le reste de la société. Ceci est une source de défis et d’opportunités. Le vieillissement du secteur public accroît la charge fiscale tout en diminuant la capacité immédiate de prestation de service. Toutefois, ce processus constitue à long terme une opportunité stratégique de réduire les effectifs du secteur public en fonction des besoins, et de modifier les conditions d'emploi et la gestion des agents publics si nécessaire. Cette publication examine l'expérience de neuf pays membres de l’OCDE dans ce domaine. Elle présente des conclusions à propos des stratégies à mener pour adapter les politiques de ressources humaines au défi plus large que constitue le processus de vieillissement de la population.

  • 26 Jul 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 260

Government workforces are ageing even more rapidly than the rest of society. This raises specific challenges and opportunities. An ageing public service increases fiscal burdens while decreasing immediate capacities to deliver services. In the long run, however, it also offers a strategic opportunity to downsize the public sector workforce if necessary and to change employment conditions and the management of government employees where this is deemed reasonable. This book reviews the experience of 9 OECD member countries in this field. It presents some conclusions on strategies that countries could implement in order to adjust their human resource policies to the wider ageing challenge. 

  • 13 Jul 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 220

Offshoring—the transfer of an industrial activity abroad—has become a fact of life for business. But it is also perceived as a threat by a large segment of the general public. And much of the public concern centers on employment, especially the potential loss of domestic jobs. This groundbreaking report provides new insights into the phenomenon of offshoring. First, the report defines offshoring in detail, allowing readers to see the many ways that industrial activity—both in manufacturing and in services—can be transferred abroad. The report then describes the wide-ranging effects that offshoring can have on domestic employment—the positive, as well as the negative. Finally, this ground-breaking report outlines the public policy implications of offshoring. It suggests ways to limit the downside of offshoring while helping to build trust between the various stakeholders working to address this issue.


Improving the performance of youth in the labour market is a crucial challenge in OECD countries facing persistent youth unemployment. Getting off to a good start facilitates integration and lays the foundation for a good career, while a poor beginning can be difficult to make up. This report surveys the main barriers to employment for young people in the Slovak Republic, and assesses the adequacy and effectiveness of existing measures to improve the transition from school to work. The report also provides a set of policy recommendations for further action by the public authorities and social partners.

  • 25 Jun 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 308

Alors que les populations vieillissantes porteront à la baisse la croissance économique au cours des dix prochaines années, il est essentiel que les pays de l'OCDE améliorent leur performance sur le marché du travail. Cette édition du rapport annuel sur les marchés du travail apporte au lecteur des informations détaillées sur les tendances récentes, tout en analysant à fond les effets des diverses mesures adoptées et des perspectives jusqu'en 2007. Cette analyse comprend l'étude des marchés du travail des pays de l'OCDE et des pays suivants : le Brésil, la Chine, l'Inde et la Russie. Sont aussi abordés les thèmes suivants : les orientations des marchés du travail et de la productivité, la vulnérabilité de la population active de l'OCDE dans une économie mondialisée et l'effet sur l'emploi du financement de la protection sociale. Cette publication inclut StatLink : URL qui renvoient aux fichiers contenant les données utilisées.

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