PISA 2003 Technical Report

image of PISA 2003 Technical Report

The PISA 2003 Technical Report describes the complex methodology underlying PISA 2003, along with additional features related to the implementation of the project at a level of detail that allows researchers to understand and replicate its analyses. It presents information on the test and sample design, methodologies used to analyse the data, technical features of the project and quality control mechanisms.


Survey Weighting and the Calculation of Sampling Variance

Survey weights were required to analyse PISA 2003 data, to calculate appropriate estimates of sampling error, and to make valid estimates and inferences. The consortium calculated survey weights for all assessed, ineligible and excluded students, and provided variables in the data that permit users to make approximately unbiased estimates of standard errors, to conduct significance tests and to create confidence intervals appropriately, given the sample design for PISA in each individual country.


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