Inspired by Technology, Driven by Pedagogy

A Systemic Approach to Technology-Based School Innovations

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This report highlights key issues to facilitate understanding of how a systemic approach to technology-based school innovations can contribute to quality education for all while promoting a more equal and effective education system. It focuses on the novel concept of systemic innovation, as well as presenting the emerging opportunities to generate innovations that stem from Web 2.0 and the important investments and efforts that have gone into the development and promotion of digital resources. It also shows alternative ways to monitor, assess and scale up technology-based innovations. Some country cases, as well as fresh and alternative research frameworks, are presented.



Lessons learnt and policy implications

Centre for Educational Research and Innovation

This final chapter summarises the lessons learnt from the OECD expert meeting held in Florianopolis (Brazil) in November 2009 as well as the policy implications. On the whole, it addresses the issue of how a systemic approach can improve our understanding of how technology-based school innovations work and how local innovations can be scaled up successfully. In times of economic crisis, a systemic approach to technology-based innovation in education is even more urgently needed. Most countries are now facing difficult times, and OECD member states are no exception to this. The immediate programmes that many governments have launched – sometimes in a co-ordinated way, with the aim of facing the financial crisis – have also been coupled in many cases with in-depth reflection about the way in which our economies work and with strategies to promote longer-term development and vision. In the context of this reflection, it becomes apparent that in the medium and long-term, innovation will increasingly be a key factor not only to economic growth but also to social welfare. The efforts to sustain technology-based innovations in education should be no exception to this. In the light of the financial crisis, each educational system should improve its ability to scale up technologybased innovation for improved learning outcome and learning strategies.


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