Green at Fifteen?

How 15-Year-Olds Perform in Environmental Science and Geoscience in PISA 2006

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The OECD’s PISA 2006 assessment of the science competencies of 15-year-olds offers the first comprehensive and internationally comparative knowledge base of students’ knowledge about the environment and environment-related issues. Green at Fifteen? presents an analysis of this knowledge base, including information on the sources of students’ awareness of environmental science, their attitudes towards the environment and how these attitudes interrelate with their performance in environmental science.


PISA 2006 and Students' Performance in Environmental Science and Geoscience

Never have the stakes been so high for the role of science education in shaping how people interact with the earth and its environment. The rising importance of the environment as a scientific and public policy topic over the past fifty years has been built around a framework stressing the functional interdependencies between human life and the natural environment. As science about the environment generates even more knowledge, increasingly large proportions of the world’s population are challenged to understand and use this knowledge (Kastens and Turrin, 2006; NA S, 2007; Bybee, 2008).


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