Equally prepared for life?

How 15-year-old boys and girls perform in school

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This report explores the educational performance and attitudes of males and females during childhood and adolescence. It opens with a general summary of gender differences measured outside of the PISA assessment programme and then considers the knowledge gained about gender-related issues from PISA 2000, PISA 2003 and PISA 2006 when reading, mathematics and science respectively were the major domains of assessment. Among the key findings: in reading in PISA 2000, females significantly outscored males in all countries; in mathematics in PISA 2003, males outscored females somewhat; in the combined science scale in PISA 2006, there was no overall significant difference observed between males and females. However, when examining the various science competencies, knowledge components and attitudes to science, there were some marked differences.


What did pisa 2000 tell us about gender differences in reading?

PISA 2000 focused on reading and studied gender differences in great detail. One of the main findings of the initial PISA 2000 report was that females outperform males in reading and in all of its subcomponents. It was also the case that females showed a lot more interest than males in reading and in part this explains the performance gap.


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