Browse by: "2013"


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La révolution technologique amorcée au cours des dernières décennies du XXe siècle a modifié les besoins en compétences sur le marché du travail. De nos jours, les compétences en traitement de l’information, les compétences interpersonnelles et d’autres aptitudes cognitives de haut niveau sont de plus en plus prisées. L’Évaluation des compétences des adultes, lancée dans le cadre du Programme pour l’évaluation internationale des compétences des adultes (PIAAC), vise à fournir un nouvel éclairage sur le rôle de ces compétences dans la société d’aujourd’hui et sur leur utilisation dans le cadre privé et professionnel. Première évaluation de cette nature, elle mesure directement la maîtrise de plusieurs compétences en traitement de l’information : la littératie, la numératie et la résolution de problèmes dans des environnements à forte composante technologique.

La première édition des Perspectives de l’OCDE sur les compétences présente les résultats des pays et régions qui ont participé au premier cycle de l’Évaluation des compétences des adultes. Les données de l’évaluation viendront étayer les analyses des éditions des Perspectives qui seront publiées au cours des prochaines années. Ces analyses, fruit d’une collaboration transversale au sein de l’OCDE, mettront en lumière les questions clés liées aux politiques de développement des compétences et s’inscriront dans des cadres aussi variés que l’éducation, l’emploi, la fiscalité, l’innovation et le développement économique, tant au niveau national, régional que local. Un rapport connexe, L’Évaluation des compétences des adultes : Manuel à l’usage des lecteurs, passe en revue la conception et la méthodologie de l’évaluation, et établit un lien avec d’autres évaluations internationales menées auprès des jeunes étudiants et des adultes.

English, Italian

Dado que el capital humano es la fuente de la innovación, uno de los principios de la Estrategia de Innovación de la OCDE es “fomentar los lugares de trabajo innovadores”. Los sistemas de educación y capacitación deben ponerse a la altura del reto de proporcionar a las personas los medios para prepararse continuamente a lo largo de sus vidas. Las empresas y las organizaciones deben optimizar los recursos humanos con que cuentan. Sin embargo, ¿aprovechan las empresas las habilidades de las personas para innovar? ¿Algunas organizaciones están más vinculadas a la innovación que otras? Si es así, ¿están presentes más en ciertos países que en otros? ¿Se asocian con determinadas políticas del mercado laboral, prácticas gerenciales, culturas de aprendizaje o niveles de educación? ¿Cuáles son los retos para la innovación dentro de las organizaciones?
Este volumen muestra que la interacción con las organizaciones —así como el aprendizaje y la capacitación individuales y organizacionales— es fundamental para la innovación. Las herramientas analíticas y los resultados empíricos que aquí se presentan muestran de qué forma algunos lugares de trabajo pueden fomentar la innovación impulsando la autonomía y el criterio de los empleados, apoyados en las oportunidades de aprendizaje y capacitación. Lugares de trabajo innovadores es de relevancia para los diseñadores de políticas en los campos de la educación, el empleo y la innovación, y para los empresarios, académicos y todas aquellas personas interesadas en los asuntos sociales.

  • 06 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 130

La medición de la innovación: Una nueva perspectiva presenta nuevas mediciones y nuevas maneras de examinar los indicadores tradicionales. Se basa en 50 años de trabajo de la OCDE en el desarrollo de indicadores y va más allá de la I+D para describir el amplio contexto en que sucede la innovación. Incluye algunos indicadores experimentales que ofrecen una nueva perspectiva sobre áreas de interés de políticas públicas. Destaca los vacíos de medición y propone direcciones para avanzar en el programa de medición.
Esta obra comienza con una descripción de la innovación en la actualidad. Se enfoca en lo que está motivando la innovación en las empresas, en la forma en la que el panorama científico y de investigación se reconfigura gracias a las convergencias, a la interdisciplinariedad y a la nueva geografía de la innovación. Presenta mediciones más amplias de innovación, por ejemplo, usando nuevos indicadores de inversión en activos intangibles y marcas registradas.
El capital humano es un insumo básico de la innovación y una serie de indicadores examinan la forma en que los sistemas educativos contribuyen a las bases del conocimiento y la investigación. Otras series analizan de qué manera las empresas transforman las habilidades y el conocimiento y hacen más claros los diferentes roles de la inversión pública y privada respecto al fomento a la innovación y a sus beneficios con ejemplos concretos de los inmensos retos mundiales, como la salud y el cambio climático.
La medición de la innovación es un gran paso hacia una forma de crear políticas públicas de innovación basadas en la evidencia. Complementa indicadores tradicionales de “posicionamiento” con otros que muestran que la innovación está, o puede estar, relacionada con las políticas públicas. También reconoce que falta mucho por hacer y señala los retos de medición que los expertos en estadística, investigadores y encargados de diseñar políticas públicas necesitan enfrentar.

French, English
  • 04 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 208

This is the latest of the influential series of OECD reports on Innovative Learning Environments. “Learning leadership” is fundamental because it is about setting direction, taking responsibility for putting learning at the centre and keeping it there. This becomes increasingly complex in 21st century settings, calling for innovation and going beyond the heroics of individual leaders. Many need to be involved, bringing in diverse partners at different levels.

This is all explored in this volume. It clarifies the concepts and the dimensions of learning leadership, relating it to extensive international research and identifying promising strategies to promote it. Specific examples are drawn from Austria, Australia, Canada, Israel, Norway, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. There is an extensive overview that addresses the “why, what, how, who, where, and when” of learning leadership. Among the international experts contributing to this volume are James Spillane, John MacBeath, Louise Stoll, and Clive Dimmock.

This report will prove to be a valuable resource for all those interested in schooling. It will be of particular interest to teachers and teacher educators, advisors and researchers, the voluntary sector and teacher associations, and, first and foremost, education leaders themselves.

This second volume of PISA 2012 results defines and measures equity in education and analyses how equity in education has evolved across countries between PISA 2003 and 2012. The volume examines the relationship between student performance and socio-economic status, and describes how other individual student characteristics, such as immigrant background and family structure, and school characteristics, such as school location, are associated with socio-economic status and performance. The volume also reveals differences in how equitably countries allocate resources and opportunities to learn to schools with different socio-economic profiles. Case studies,examining the policy reforms adopted by countries that have improved in PISA, are highlighted throughout the volume.

French, German

The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines not just what students know in mathematics, reading and science, but what they can do with what they know. This is the first of six volumes that present the results of the 2012 PISA survey, the fifth round of the triennial assessment. It summarises the performance in mathematics, reading and science of students in PISA 2012.

This fourth volume of PISA 2012 results examines how student performance is associated with various characteristics of individual schools and of concerned school systems. It discusses how 15-year old students are selected and grouped into different schools, programmes, and education levels, and how human, financial, educational and time resources are allocated to different schools. The volume also examines how school systems balance autonomy with collaboration, and how the learning environment in school shapes student performance. Trends in these variables between 2003 and 2012 are examined when comparable data are available, and case studies, examining the policy reforms adopted by countries that have improved in PISA, are presented throughout the volume.


This third volume of PISA 2012 results explores students’ engagement with and at school, their drive and motivation to succeed, and the beliefs they hold about themselves as mathematics learners. The volume identifies the students who are at particular risk of having low levels of engagement in, and holding negative dispositions towards, school in general and mathematics in particular, and how engagement, drive, motivation and self-beliefs are related to mathematics performance. The volume identifies the roles schools can play in shaping the well-being of students and the role parents can play in promoting their children’s engagement with and dispositions towards learning. Changes in students’ engagement, drive, motivation and self-beliefs between 2003 and 2012, and how those dispositions have changed during the period among particular subgroups of students, notably socio-economically advantaged and disadvantaged students, boys and girls, and students at different levels of mathematics proficiency, are examined when comparable data are available. Throughout the volume, case studies examine in greater detail the policy reforms adopted by countries that have improved in PISA.

  • 03 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 104

This report compares the performance of 15-year-olds in the United States in PISA against the global patterns and trends. But it goes beyond the aggregate level analysis that have so far been published in the PISA 2012 reports, to give analysis of student performance on individual mathematics test items in order to reveal students’ strengths and weaknesses. Considering this also in the context of the relationship between PISA and the Common Core Standards for Mathematics can help connect these results to what the United States aspires to teach in classrooms and help inform teaching practices that can support performance improvement.

The ‘basic skills’ of literacy and numeracy are among the most fundamental attributes of human beings and their civilization, lying at the root of our capacity to communicate and live and work together, to develop and share knowledge, science and culture. Their contribution to workforce skills have increasingly been recognized as critical to economic success, while evidence on gaps in adult basic skills and the link with economic and social outcomes has also been growing, both at national and international level (e.g. International Survey of Adult Skills of 1994-98 and Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey of 2003-2007). Most tellingly, there has been a belated realization that despite universal basic education in advanced countries, some adults have slipped through the net, leaving them with very weak literacy and numeracy. All of these factors underline the importance of the OECD’s new international Survey of Adult Skills.

This report on skills in the US draws out the policy implications of the Survey for the US, while also making use of some additional data collected for the Survey on the US alone. The study does not directly evaluate relevant US policies and programs – such as schooling and adult education. Instead it identifies in the results of the Survey some key lessons about the strategic objectives and directions which should form a frame for policy development in the US, including policy on adult learning and schooling.

  • 08 Nov 2013
  • Paulo Santiago, Francisco Benavides, Charlotte Danielson, Laura Goe, Deborah Nusche
  • Pages: 204

This book provides, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues facing teacher evaluation, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches in Chile.

¿Cómo puede el estado de Puebla mejorar su sistema educativo? Desde una perspectiva internacional, en este informe se analizan los principales desafíos afrontados por el sistema educativo estatal, las iniciativas de políticas públicas actuales y las prácticas innovadoras. En el libro se destaca que una estrategia a largo plazo, una capacidad más fuerte de dirigir las acciones y las reformas en cuatro grandes áreas de políticas públicas son piedras angulares en la mejora educativa. Con aportaciones de sistemas educativos de alto rendimiento y de aquéllos con una trayectoria de reforma similar, aquí se establecen estrategias de acción para hacer posible el cambio.
Capítulo 1. Desarrollar el Modelo Educativo de Puebla
Capítulo 2. Fortalecer las escuelas y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes en Puebla
Capítulo 3. Elevar la calidad de los maestros y los directores de escuela en Puebla
Capítulo 4. Mejorar la educación media superior en Puebla
Capítulo 5. Mejorar la infraestructura educativa en Puebla


Gender equality in terms of economic and financial opportunities is becoming increasingly relevant at both national and international level. The need to address the financial literacy of women and girls as a way to improve their financial empowerment, opportunities, and well-being has been acknowledged by the G20 Leader’s Declaration in June 2012, as well as part of a wider horizontal OECD project on gender equality. The OECD International Network on Financial Education (INFE) established a dedicated workstream in 2010 to address the needs of women for financial education under the support of the Russia/World Bank/OECD Trust Fund for financial literacy and education.

This book collects the work carried out within this workstream, including policy guidance to help policy makers address women's and girls' needs for financial education, and a comprehensive analysis of the current status of knowledge on gender differences in financial literacy and policy responses in terms of financial education for women and girls.

  • 08 Oct 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 124

This reader’s companion for the Survey of Adult Skills explains what the survey measures and the methodology behind the measurements, provides  content of the background questionnaires, examines the relationship between this survey and other skills surveys, as well the issues of ‘key competencies” and measurements of human capital.

French, Slovenian

This first OECD Skills Outlook presents the initial results of the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), which evaluates the skills of adults in 22 OECD member countries and two partner countries. The PIAAC survey was designed to provide insights into the availability of some key skills and how they are used at work and at home through the direct assessment of key information processing skills: literacy, numeracy and problem-solving in technology-rich environments.  The book examines the social and economic context, the supply of  key information processing skills,  who has these skills at what level, the supply of and demand for these skills in the labour market,  the acquisition and maintenance of skills over a lifetime, and how proficiency in these skills translates into better economic and social outcomes.

French, Italian

Las competencias se han convertido en la divisa global del siglo XXI. Sin una inversión adecuada en ellas, las personas languidecen al margen de la sociedad, el progreso tecnológico no se traduce en crecimiento económico y los países ya no pueden competir en una sociedad mundial basada cada vez más en los conocimientos. Pero esta divisa se devalúa a medida que las exigencias de los mercados laborales evolucionan y las personas pierden las competencias que no usan. La crisis económica mundial -con altos niveles de desempleo, en especial entre los jóvenes- ha vuelto más urgente el fomento de mejores competencias. Al mismo tiempo, también debe atenderse el aumento de la desigualdad de los ingresos, provocado en gran medida por la desigualdad de los salarios entre trabajadores muy competentes y poco competentes. La solución más prometedora a esos problemas es invertir eficazmente en las competencias a lo largo del ciclo de la vida: desde la primera infancia, durante la educación obligatoria, y a lo largo de la vida laboral. La Estrategia de Competencias de la OCDE brinda un marco estratégico para ayudar a los países para que comprendan más acerca de cómo invertir en las competencias de manera que estas transformen vidas y fomenten las economías. Asimismo, ayudará a los países a identificar las fortalezas y las debilidades de su banco existente de competencias nacionales y sistemas de competencias, compararlos internacionalmente y desarrollar políticas para mejorarlos. En particular, la estrategia establece las bases sobre las cuales los gobiernos puedan trabajar con eficacia con todas las partes interesadas: gobiernos nacionales, locales y regionales, empleadores, trabajadores y estudiantes.

Korean, German, English, Portuguese, French

Dans les pays de l’OCDE, près d’un élève sur cinq n’atteint pas le niveau minimum de compétences de base. En outre, les élèves issus de milieux socio-économiques défavorisés sont deux fois plus susceptibles d’obtenir de mauvais résultats scolaires. Le manque d’équité et d’inclusion peut entraîner l’échec scolaire : en moyenne, un jeune sur cinq quitte ainsi l’école avant la fin du deuxième cycle de l’enseignement secondaire.

La réduction de l’échec scolaire est bénéfique, tant pour la société que pour les individus. Les systèmes d’éducation les plus performants des pays de l’OCDE sont ceux qui allient qualité et équité. Ce rapport présente une série de recommandations politiques pour permettre aux systèmes d’éducation d’accompagner l’ensemble de leurs élèves vers la réussite.

  • 25 Sept 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 218

How to design a powerful learning environment so that learners can thrive in the 21st century? OECD’s Innovative Learning Environments (ILE) is an ambitious international study that responds to this challenging question. The study earlier released the influential publication The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice. This companion volume is based on 40 in-depth case studies of powerful 21st century learning environments that have taken the innovation journey.
Innovative Learning Environments presents a wealth of international material and features a new framework for understanding these learning environments, organised into eight chapters. Richly illustrated by the many local examples, it argues that a contemporary learning environment should:

  • Innovate the elements and dynamics of its “pedagogical core”.
  • Become a “formative organisation” through strong design strategies with corresponding learning leadership, evaluation and feedback.
  • Open up to partnerships to grow social and professional capital, and to sustain renewal and dynamism.
  • Promote 21st century effectiveness through the application of the ILE learning principles.

In conclusion it offers pointers to how this can be achieved, including the role of technology, networking, and changing organisational cultures. This report will prove to be an invaluable resource for all those interested in schooling. It will be of particular interest to teachers, education leaders, parents, teacher educators, advisors and decision-makers, as well as the research community.

“Much has been written about learning environments, and about innovation but nowhere will you find such a deep and cogent portrayal of the key principles as in the OECD's report, Innovative Learning Environments. Learners, pedagogical core, learning environments, partnerships, sustainability - it's all captured in this remarkable volume.”
(Michael Fullan, OC, Professor Emeritus, OISE, University of Toronto)

“Everyone in education is talking about innovation. What is different here is that the best of what we know about learning is at the centre and is richly illustrated with real cases to answer the question, ‘What will this look like?’”
(Helen Timperley, Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Auckland)

“From OECD's The Nature of Learning to Innovative Learning Environments, this second ILE volume inspires and guides all who are committed to creating , enacting and sustaining powerful learning. To know that this is possible - that we can and are creating ‘schooling for tomorrow’ today - is the gift of this book.”
(Anthony Mackay: Co-Chair, Global Education Leaders Program; Chair, Innovation Unit UK)

“What impresses me about this work is the clarity about the links between complex goals, processes and outcomes through a focus on innovative learning environments across the globe. Innovative Learning Environments manages both to bring alive the lived realities of very different people at the same time as distilling principles and key messages."
(Philippa Cordingley, Chief Executive, Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education (CUREE), UK)

“As societies experience unprecedented and unpredictable change, schools and education systems are at the nexus of hope for the future. OECD’s report Innovative Learning Environments documents how educators in a number of countries are engaging in bold and forward-thinking innovations to renew, re-imagine and re-invent contexts for teaching and learning, and, most importantly, provides inspiration to take the journey.”
(Professor Lorna Earl, President 2011-2013, International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement)

  • 23 Sept 2013
  • Pauline Musset, Simon Field
  • Pages: 104

This book examines vocational education and training programmes in England, including coverage of how they are changing, how they are funded, how they are linked to academic and university programmes and how employers and unions are involved.

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