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Title Index

Year Index

  • 20 Dec 2011
  • OECD, Statistics Canada
  • Pages: 390

Literacy for Life is the second report from the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey. It presents additional results on the nature and magnitude of the literacy gaps faced by OECD countries and how these gaps have evolved over the medium term.

It offers new insights into the factors that influence the formation of adult skills in various settings – at home and at work – for the eleven countries participating in the first and last round of data collection between 2003 and 2008. The study offers comparative evidence on the impact of various factors on the supply of skill. The study offers a special focus on numeracy skills and problem solving skills. It explores the relationships between numeracy and key socio-demographic factors as well as labour market outcomes and earnings.

It highlights the importance of problem solving skills by defining this foundational skill and by exploring its determinants as well as its relative role in influencing important labour market outcomes.

The report offers also an analysis of performance across multiple skill domains. It investigates the skill profiles of various population groups defined in terms of the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of those who score at levels deemed to be low in one or more skill domains and explores the resulting consequences.

The report concludes by investigating the issue of skill mismatch in the labour market and its relationship to adult learning. The extent and distribution of mismatch between the day-to-day literacy related requirements of workers and the literacy skills they have obtained is an important issue that is being explored in this study.


E kiadvány fordításával bátorítjuk azokat, akik szerint még nem késtünk le arról, hogy az oktatás világában felvegyük a modern tudásközpontú társadalmak által diktált tempót, előtérbe helyezve az eredményességet, a méltányosságot, valamint a rendszer hatékonyságát szolgáló innovációs eszköztárat. Az innováció a tanítás-tanulás világában is nélkülözhetetlen, érinti az oktatási intézmények szervezetét, munkamódszereit, szolgáltatásainak kínálatát. A sok belső változó által meghatározott innovációs képesség függ a külső tényezőktől is. A kötet e tényezők és az általuk befolyásolt oktatási innovációs folyamatok megértéséhez nyújt segítséget. A változó elvárások kontextusába helyezve értelmezi a tudás és a tudásalapú közösségek fogalmait. Központi szerepet szán annak a metaforának, amelyben négy „pumpa” hatásain keresztül megérthetjük az innováció fontos hajtóerőit, amik kedvező feltételeket teremtenek az újító erejű változásokhoz. Számos további kérdés mellett vizsgálja a nyilvánosság kérdését, amely az információs korban a demokratikus tudásmegosztás ideájának fontos eszköze.


Early childhood education and care (ECEC) can bring a wide range of benefits – for children, parents and society at large. However, these benefits are conditional on “quality”. Expanding access to services without attention to quality will not deliver good outcomes for children or long-term productivity benefits for society.

This new publication focuses on quality issues: it aims to define quality and outlines five policy levers that can enhance it in ECEC. In addition, it provides busy policy makers with practical tools such as research briefs, international comparisons, country examples, self-reflection sheets, etc. in order to successfully implement these policy levers.

Chinese, German, French, Korean

Le volume VI des Resultats du PISA 2009, Élèves en ligne : Technologies numériques et performance, explore l’utilisation des technologies de l’information par les élèves dans l’apprentissage.

Spanish, English
  • 14 Dec 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 112

The future of Greece’s well-being will depend on improving educational performance to boost productivity and improve social outcomes. In the current economic context, with the need to get best value for spending, Greece must and can address inefficiencies in its education system.

The challenges are significant. For example, Greece lags behind many OECD countries in performance on PISA, including countries with the same or lower levels of expenditure per student as well as countries with the same and lower levels of economic development. Salary costs per student are above the OECD average, mostly because Greek teachers have less teaching time and Greece has smaller classes. A smaller percentage of students who enter tertiary education complete a first degree within the statutory study time than in any other country in Europe.

To address the challenges, the Greek government has established a bold agenda and sought advice from a task force on the development and implementation of reform proposals that reflect best practices in OECD countries. This report provides the outcomes of the work of the task force. It presents a roadmap for how the reforms can be successfully implemented, with pointers to relevant experience in other countries. As a contribution to the on-going policy discussions in Greece, it recommends specific short-, medium- and long-term actions that can improve efficiency in the country’s education system.

  • 07 Dec 2011
  • Claire Shewbridge, Marian Hulshof, Deborah Nusche, Louise Stoll
  • Pages: 143

How can student assessment, teacher appraisal, school evaluation and system evaluation bring about real gains in performance across a country’s school system? The country reports in this series provide, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues facing the evaluation and assessment framework, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches. This series forms part of the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes.

  • 21 Nov 2011
  • Andreas Schleicher
  • Pages: 100

This report presents the best current evidence about what can make teacher-oriented reforms effective and points to examples of reforms that have produced specific results, show promise or illustrate imaginative ways of implementing change. Its four chapters cover recruitment and initial preparation of teachers; teacher development, support, careers and employment conditions; teacher evaluation and compensation; and teacher engagement in education reform.

Les particuliers sont confrontés à des risques financiers de plus en plus variés, à commencer par ceux liés à leur régime de retraite. Parallèlement, la plupart des pays ont soit réduit, soit strictement limité les financements publics. Les produits d’assurance et de pensions privées jouent donc un rôle essentiel en matière de protection sociale et financière, alors même que le public peut méconnaître les risques auxquels il est exposé et ne pas avoir les compétences et les connaissances qui lui seraient utiles concernant l’assurance, les pensions privées et les produits proposés.

Le présent volume entend étudier ces questions d’actualité, encore inexplorées, dans le cadre du projet en cours de l’OCDE consacré à l’éducation financière. Après avoir passé en revue les principaux enjeux et présenté des solutions pratiques, cet ouvrage met en exergue les pratiques exemplaires que les pays de l’OCDE ont adoptées en vue d’améliorer l’éducation et la sensibilisation aux questions d’assurance et de pensions privées, ainsi qu’aux risques qui leur sont associés.


This review finds that Lombardy is the most prosperous region in Italy. Thanks to its economic diversity, it has demonstrated unusual resilience in the face of the global recession. But the region faces long-term challenges emerging from an ageing population, immigration and slow adaptation of practices and technologies that could enhance productivity.

How can Lombardy face stronger global competition? How can it attract and retain talent? How can Lombardy raise educational attainment and unleash the potential of its large university sector for local and regional development?

Israel has developed a strong economy with entrepreneurial drive and high tech driven growth, but the socio-economic divide between population groups is growing. In the Galilee, about half of the population is Arab. A key challenge for the Galilee and Israel is the disparity between Arab and Jewish populations in terms of employment and education outcomes.
How can the government ensure that investment in education is equitable for different population groups? How can universities and colleges fuel local growth by developing relevant skills and improving educational attainment levels across the multi-ethnic, multi-religious population?

This publication is part of the series of OECD reviews of Higher Education in Regional and City Development. These reviews help mobilise higher education institutions for economic, social and cultural development of cities and regions. They analyse how the higher education system impacts upon regional and local development and bring together universities, other higher education institutions, and public and private agencies to identify strategic goals and to work towards them.

  • 31 Oct 2011
  • Deborah Nusche, Lorna Earl, William Maxwell, Claire Shewbridge
  • Pages: 164

How can student assessment, teacher appraisal, school evaluation and system evaluation bring about real gains in performance across a country’s school system? This book provides, for Norway, an independent analysis from an international perspective of major issues facing the evaluation and assessment framework in education along with current policy initiatives and possible future approaches. This series forms part of the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes

  • 28 Oct 2011
  • Paulo Santiago, Graham Donaldson, Joan Herman, Claire Shewbridge
  • Pages: 190

This book provides, for Australia, an independent analysis of major issues facing its educational evaluation and assessment framework, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches. It shows how student assessment, teacher appraisal, school evaluation and system evaluation can bring about real gains in performance across Australia's school system.

This symposium proceedings examines three aspects of financial education: monitoring and evaluation, use of behavioral economics,  and financial literacy and defined contribution pension plans.

  • 27 Oct 2011
  • Deborah Nusche, Gábor Halász, Janet Looney, Paulo Santiago, Claire Shewbridge
  • Pages: 140

How can student assessment, teacher appraisal, school evaluation and system evaluation bring about real gains in performance across a country’s school system? This book provides, for Sweden,  an independent analysis from an international perspective of major issues facing the evaluation and assessment framework in education along with current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches. This series forms part of the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes.

  • 27 Oct 2011
  • Claire Shewbridge, Eunice Jang, Peter Matthews, Paulo Santiago
  • Pages: 162

How can student assessment, teacher appraisal, school evaluation and system evaluation bring about real gains in performance across a country’s school system? This book provides, for Denmark, an independent analysis from an international perspective of major issues facing the evaluation and assessment framework in education, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches. This series forms part of the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes.

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a highly influential instrument for monitoring the quality of education systems and provides a strong evidence base for informed policy making and education research. PISA also has a proven potential to trigger reforms and stimulate stakeholder involvement in the process.

Notwithstanding the importance of its ranking, the full strength of PISA unfolds when data it delivers is utilised in the national policy domain. Linking PISA outcomes and policy choices, and monitoring the impact on education quality is thereby a demanding task, which requires sound analytical capacity, and also knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the respective education system. The OECD Directorate for Education addresses the demand of non-member economies for policy support in understanding and analysing PISA data in the broader context of education system management and policy formulation. 

This report was prepared to help the authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic better understand the reasons for the dramatically low performance of Kyrgyz students in the 2006 PISA survey, despite significant resources and efforts invested in education by schools, parents and government. The report reveals that a number of policy areas are in need of urgent attention and recommends ways to close the currently existing gap between aspirations and education reform achievement. 


Designing for Education: Compendium of Exemplary Educational Facilities 2011 showcases over 60 recently built or refurbished educational facilities from 28 countries. Collectively, these projects demonstrate state-of-the-art design in this field and each one is lavishly illustrated with colour photos, plans and descriptions.

The individual chapters – which are in higher resolution format – are available on the OECD iLibrary.

En esta época marcada por las economías del conocimiento y cambios demográficos significativos, todos los sistemas educativos se encuentran ante la necesidad de mejorar los resultados del aprendizaje y lograrlo aún con recursos limitados.

Con el fin de asistir a México y a otros países en este desafío, esta publicación presenta recomendaciones para el diseño, planeación, ejecución y monitoreo de políticas educativas en torno a la medición del aprendizaje, los estándares educativos y la evaluación docente, con base en las mejores prácticas internacionales. Considerando que la calidad de los resultados de los sistemas educativos no puede ser mayor que la calidad de sus docentes, esta publicación subraya la importancia de la evaluación y el reconocimiento de los docentes.

Sin embargo, la implementación efectiva de reformas educativas puede ser un proceso complejo y con grandes retos. La simple identificación y enumeración de las políticas que deberán ser implementadas no resulta suficiente. Los gobiernos también deberán determinar el “cómo” para el diseño y puesta en marcha de políticas educativas. Para ello, esta publicación presenta recomendaciones específicas y un método para que los tomadores de decisiones y actores relevantes analicen y se apropien de las mejores prácticas internacionales, pero adaptadas a los contextos locales.

Este reporte presenta las recomendaciones desarrolladas por el Consejo Asesor de la OCDE sobre Políticas de Evaluación e Incentivos Docentes en México, integrado por expertos reconocidos y analistas de la OCDE.

  • 13 Sept 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 100

Education at a Glance 2011: Highlights summarises the OECD’s flagship compendium of education statistics, Education at a Glance. It provides easily accessible data on key topics in education today, including:

  • Education levels and student numbers: How far have adults studied, and what access do young people have to education?
  • Economic and social benefits of education: How does education affect people’s job prospects, and what is its impact on incomes?
  • Paying for education: What share of public spending goes on education, and what is the role of private spending? 
  • The school environment: How many hours do teachers work, and how does class size vary? 
  • PISA: A special section introduces findings from the 2009 round of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which examined the knowledge and skills of 15-year-old students in more than 70 countries and economies.

Each indicator is presented on a two-page spread. The left-hand page explains the significance of the indicator, discusses the main findings, examines key trends and provides readers with a roadmap for finding out more in the OECD education databases and in other OECD education publications. The right-hand page contains clearly presented charts and tables, accompanied by dynamic hyperlinks (StatLinks) that direct readers to the corresponding data in Excel™ format.

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