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Year Index

  • 17 Dec 2010
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 160

The Bío Bío Region has pioneered regional development in Chile. It has a high concentration of higher education and research activity. Its universities and other higher education institutions have made significant progress in widening access to education. But challenges remain: the Bío Bío Region continues to suffer from brain drain as well as higher than average unemployment and poverty rates.

How can the Bío Bío Region promote new business formation and the development of the existing small and medium-sized companies? What incentives are needed to improve higher education institutions’ regional and local orientation? How can higher education institutions move from knowledge generation towards knowledge transfer?

This joint OECD and World Bank review explores a range of helpful policy measures and institutional reforms to mobilise higher education for the development of the Bío Bío Region. It is part of the series of the OECD reviews of Higher Education in Regional and City Development. These reviews help mobilise higher education institutions for economic, social and cultural development of cities and regions. They analyse how the higher education system impacts upon regional and local development and bring together universities, other higher education institutions and public and private agencies to identify strategic goals and to work towards them.


With a population of over 7 million Veracruz is the third most populous state in Mexico. Veracruz features a traditional and resource-based economy, low skilled population and high poverty rates.

How can Veracruz transform itself from a lagging and under-performing region into a centre of knowledge and innovation? How can the universities improve the relevance and quality of their teaching and research? How can the pathways between technological institutes and universities be improved? How can Veracruz capitalise on the ongoing university social service programmes to create a more comprehensive approach to regional development? 

This publication explores a range of helpful policy measures and institutional reforms to mobilise higher education for the development of Veracruz

À l’heure actuelle, le climat politique mondial souligne la nécessité de s’intéresser davantage aux composantes non-économiques du bien-être et du progrès social telles que la santé, l’engagement social, l’intérêt pour la politique ou la criminalité.

L’éducation contribue largement à façonner ces indicateurs de progrès social. Néanmoins, les liens et mécanismes de causalité, l’influence des contextes et l’impact relatif des différentes mesures éducatives sur ces indicateurs sont encore mal compris.

Le présent rapport a pour objet d’apporter des éléments de réponse aux problèmes rencontrés dans l’évaluation des retombées sociales de l’éducation ; à cet effet, il présente une synthèse des données probantes disponibles, passe en revue un certain nombre d’analyses de données antérieures et examine les débats politiques. La conclusion de ce rapport est que l’éducation peut contribuer à améliorer la santé et l’engagement civique et social. Elle peut réduire les inégalités en développant les compétences cognitives, sociales et émotionnelles, mais aussi en favorisant l’adoption d’un mode de vie sain et de pratiques et de valeurs participatives. Les efforts menés en milieu scolaire sont plus susceptibles de porter leurs fruits s’ils sont complétés par ceux de la famille et de l’environnement social élargi – d’où la nécessité d’améliorer la cohérence entre les différentes politiques sectorielles, mais aussi entre les différents niveaux d’enseignement. 


The State of Victoria is a knowledge-intensive centre for Australia: educational services are Victoria’s strongest export worth more than AUD 5 billion, surpassing tourism and automotive sectors. Victoria is a magnet for immigration, and the international student enrolment represents over 30% of the total for Australia.
The higher education system in Australia is moving to a more competitive phase with the decision that the government funding will follow students wherever they choose to enroll. How can Victoria continue to increase participation in higher education and widen access to lower socio-economic groups? How can its higher education institutions help transform Victoria into an innovative state with knowledge-intensive industries and jobs?

This publication explores a range of helpful policy measures and institutional reforms to mobilise higher education for the development of the State of Victoria.

  • 07 Dec 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 102

PISA 2009 at a Glance is a companion publication to PISA 2009 Results, the six-volume report on the 2009 survey conducted by the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). PISA assesses the extent to which students near the end of compulsory education have acquired some of the knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in modern societies. Its triennial assessments of 15-year-olds focus on reading, mathematics and science.

PISA 2009 at a Glance provides easily accessible data on the some of the main issues analysed in the full report:

  • What students know and can do: How do students compare in the knowledge and skills they show at school? Which countries are the best performers? Which perform poorly?
  • Overcoming social background: Does a student’s socio-economic background affect his or her performance in school?
  • Learning to learn: Are there some types of reading, and some ways of learning, that are better for students than others?
  • What makes a school successful?: What traits do high-performing schools have in common?

Each issue is presented on a two-page spread. The left-hand page explains what the issue means both for students and for participating countries and economies, discusses the main findings and provides readers with a roadmap for finding out more in other OECD publications and databases. The right-hand page contains clearly presented charts and tables, accompanied by dynamic hyperlinks (StatLinks) that direct readers to the corresponding data in Excel™ format.

PISA 2009 at a Glance is an ideal introduction to PISA and to the OECD’s rich trove of internationally comparable data on education and learning.

  • 07 Dec 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 92
Volume II of PISA's 2009 results looks at how successful education systems moderate the impact of social background and immigrant status on student and school performance. The volume opens with an introduction to PISA and a Reader's Guide providing information that will help readers understand the data. Chapter 1 focuses on the magnitude of differences in student performance across countries and the extent to which these differences relate to socio-economic background. Chapter 2 examines the extent to which students and schools with different socio-economic backgrounds have access to similar educational resources, and the impact of background and school on learning outcomes. Chapter 3 examines the relationship between student performance and different aspects of socio-economic background. Chapter 4 compares the performance of students with an immigrant background with the performance of other students. Chapter 5 analyses the impact of socio-economic background of schools on reading performance. The final chapter examines policy implications of the findings.  Annexes provide detailed statistical data and technical information.
German, Spanish, French

This first volume of PISA 2009 survey results provides comparable data on 15-year-olds' performance on reading, mathematics and science across 65 countries. The volume opens with an introduction explaining what PISA is and how PISA 2009 is different from previous PISA surveys.  The introduction also explains what PISA 2009 measures and how.  A reader's guide provides information needed to interpret the data. Chapter 2 provides a summary of the findings related to performance in reading, the focus of the 2009 survey. Chapter 3 provides a summary of the findings related to performance in mathematics and science. A final chapter explores policy implications in five areas: low performance, pursuing excellence, strengths and weaknesses in different kinds of reading, student performance in math and science, and the potential to improve performance across the world. Annexes provide detailed statistical data and technical information.

Spanish, German, French, Arabic
This volume of PISA 2009 results examines how human, financial and material resources, and education policies and practices shape learning outcomes. Following an introduction to PISA and a Reader's Guide explaining how to interpret the data, Chapter 1 presents a summary of features shared by "successful" school systems. Chapter 2 details how resources, policies and practices relate to student performance. Chapter 3 provides detailed descriptions and in-depth analyses of selected organisational features (how students are sorted into grades, schools, and programmes, school autonomy, etc.) of schools and systems and how those aspects affect performance. Chapter 4 describes and analyzes key aspects of the learning environment (behaviours, discipline, parental involvement, school leadership, etc.) and how they affect performance.  The final chapter discusses the policy implications of the findings.  Annexes provides detailed statistical data and technical background.
German, French, Spanish

Volume III of PISA 2009 results examines 15-year-olds’ motivation, their engagement with reading and their use of effective learning strategies. The book opens with an introduction to PISA and a reader's guide to help user's understand the findings.  Chapter 1 examines how engaging in reading activities and approaching  learning positively relates to reading proficiency. Chapter 2 examines how much students read for enjoyment, what they read, and how much they enjoy reading. Chapter 3 examines the extent to which reading and learning habits relate to performance differences between boys and girls. The final chapter discusses the policy implications of the findings. Annexes provide detailed statistical data and technical information.

Spanish, French
This volume of PISA 2009 results looks at the progress countries have made in raising student performance and improving equity in the distribution of learning opportunities. Following an Introduction to PISA and a Reader's Guide helping users interpret the data, Chapter 1 summarises overall performance over time.   Chapter 2 looks at trends in reading.  Chapter 3 looks at trends in mathematics and science.  Chapter 4 examines trends in equity. Chapter 5 explores trends in attitudes and student-school relations.  The final chapter analyzes implications for policy. Annexes provide techical background and tables of results.
Spanish, French, German

Sind die Schülerinnen und Schüler gut auf die Herausforderungen der Zukunft vorbereitet? Können sie analysieren, logisch denken und ihre Ideen effektiv kommunizieren? Haben sie Interessen entwickelt, die sie ihr ganzes Leben hindurch als produktive Mitglieder von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft weiterverfolgen können? Die Internationale Schulleistungsstudie der OECD (PISA) sucht durch die umfassendste und weitreichendste internationale Erhebung der Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten von Schülerinnen und Schülern Antworten auf diese Fragen zu liefern. Die Gruppe der an PISA teilnehmenden Länder und Partnerländer macht insgesamt nahezu 90% der Weltwirtschaft aus.

PISA 2009 Ergebnisse stellt die Erkenntnisse vor, die bei der jüngsten PISA-Erhebung gewonnen wurden. Schwerpunkt war diesmal wieder die Lesekompetenz, evaluiert wurden aber auch die Schülerleistungen in Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften.

  • Band I, Was Schülerinnen und Schüler wissen und können: Schülerleistungen in Lesekompetenz, Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, vergleicht die Schülerleistungen in den verschiedenen Ländern.
  • Band II, Potenziale nutzen und Chancengerechtigkeit sichern: Sozialer Hintergrund und Schülerleistungen, befasst sich mit der Frage, wie gut es den Bildungssystemen gelingt, den Effekt des sozioökonomischen Hintergrunds und des Migrationsstatus auf die Schüler- und Schulleistungen einzudämmen.
  • Band III, Learning to Learn: Student Engagement, Strategies and Practices (nur in Englisch verfügbar), setzt sich mit der Motivation, dem Leseengagement und dem Einsatz effektiver Lernstrategien bei 15-Jährigen auseinander.
  • Band IV, Was macht eine Schule erfolgreich? Lernumfeld und schulische Organisation in PISA, untersucht, wie sich die Ressourcenausstattung der Schulen sowie die Schulpolitik und -praxis auf die Lernergebnisse der Schüler auswirken.
  • Band V, Lernfortschritte im globalen Wettbewerb: Veränderungen bei den Schülerleistungen seit 2000, befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Fortschritte die Länder bei der Anhebung des Leistungsniveaus und der Verbesserung der Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildung erzielt haben.
  • Band VI, Students On Line: Reading and Using Digital Information (nur in Englisch verfügbar), untersucht, wie gut die Schülerinnen und Schüler Informationstechnologien für Lernzwecke nutzen können.

PISA 2009 markiert den Beginn des zweiten Erhebungszyklus, in dessen Rahmen 2012 eine schwerpunktmäßige Beurteilung der Mathematikleistungen und 2015 der Leistungen in Naturwissenschaften geplant ist.

Die Internationale Schulleistungsstudie der OECD (PISA)

PISA richtet das Augenmerk auf die Fähigkeit der Jugendlichen, ihre Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten zur Bewältigung alltäglicher Herausforderungen einzusetzen. Diese Orientierung spiegelt eine Veränderung in den Zielen der Lehrpläne wider, in denen es zunehmend darum geht, wie die Schülerinnen und Schüler ihr Schulwissen konkret nutzen können, und nicht mehr nur um die Fähigkeit zur Wiedergabe des Gelernten. Zu den Besonderheiten von PISA gehören:

  • Politikorientierung: Die Daten über die Lernergebnisse der Schülerinnen und Schüler werden mit Informationen über deren Hintergrundmerkmale und über wichtige Faktoren, die ihr Lernen innerhalb und außerhalb der Schule beeinflussen, verknüpft, um die Unterschiede bei den Leistungsstrukturen hervorzuheben und zu untersuchen, wodurch sich Schüler, Schulen und Bildungssysteme, die hohe Leistungen erbringen, auszeichnen.
  • Innovatives Konzept der Grundbildung: Im Mittelpunkt steht die Fähigkeit der Schülerinnen und Schüler, Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten in wichtigen Fächern zur Definition, Interpretation und Lösung von Problemen in einer Vielzahl von Situationen zu nutzen, zu analysieren, logisch zu denken und effektiv zu kommunizieren.
  • Relevanz für das lebenslange Lernen: Bei PISA werden nicht nur die Kompetenzen der Schülerinnen und Schüler in den Schulfächern erfasst, sondern auch Informationen über ihre Lernmotivation, Selbsteinschätzung und Lernstrategien erhoben.
  • Regelmäßigkeit: Die Länder haben die Möglichkeit, ihre Fortschritte bei der Verwirklichung entscheidender Lernziele im Zeitverlauf zu beobachten.
  • Große geografische Reichweite und kooperativer Charakter: In PISA 2009 nehmen alle 34 OECD-Mitgliedstaaten sowie 40 Partnerländer und -volkswirtschaften teil.
Arabic, English, Spanish, French


Governments are seeking to channel research funds into universities and other institutions in ways that support high-quality research in strategically important areas and bolster effective knowledge diffusion. These issues of steering and funding have even more relevance in light of the current  financial crisis and economic downturn which have seen severe fiscal pressures fall on many countries.

This publication presents a collection of papers presented at an OECD workshop on performance-based funding of public research in tertiary education institutions. It takes stock of current thinking and practice around performance-based funding of public research in tertiary education institutions, as a tool to help governments meet their research goals. These funding models are essentially systems of ex-post evaluation of research outputs and outcomes from universities and other tertiary institutions, and are generally based on peer review, bibliometric or other quantitative indicators. Their results are used to inform government decisions about how much and which institutions to fund.

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a highly influential instrument for monitoring the quality of education systems and provides a strong evidence base for informed policy making and education research. PISA also has a proven potential to trigger reforms and stimulate stakeholder involvement in the process.

Notwithstanding the importance of its ranking, the full strength of PISA unfolds when data it delivers is utilised in the national policy domain. Linking PISA outcomes and policy choices, and monitoring the impact on education quality is thereby a demanding task, which requires sound analytical capacity, and also knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the respective education system. The OECD Directorate for Education addresses the demand of non-member economies for policy support in understanding and analysing PISA data in the broader context of education system management and policy formulation. 

This report explains the reasons for the dramatically low performance of Kyrgyz students in the 2006 PISA survey, despite significant resources and efforts invested in education by schools, parents and government. The report reveals that a number of policy areas are in need of urgent attention and recommends ways to close the currently existing gap between aspirations and education reform achievement. 


Andalusia is the most populous region in Spain with over 8 million people. Historically a crossroads of three cultures – Hispanic, Jewish and Arabic – it has enjoyed remarkable growth and development over the past decades, but still lags behind the Spanish averages in key socio-economic indicators.

The recent economic crisis has affected Andalusia more than other regions. How can the region and its universities fuel local growth and create jobs and new businesses? How can the Andalusian University System improve students’ learning and employment outcomes? How can the region capitalise on its existing assets and promising clusters?

This publication is part of the series of OECD reviews of Higher Education in Regional and City Development. These reviews help mobilise higher education institutions for economic, social and cultural development of cities and regions. They analyse how the higher education system impacts upon regional and local development and bring together universities, other higher education institutions and public and private agencies to identify strategic goals and to work towards them.

Education is a central priority for the State of Santa Catarina. Its policy makers are firmly committed to provide a relevant and efficient education system that responds to the requirements of the global economy and will allow the state to be competitive, both nationally and internationally .

This OECD review gives a brief overview of education in Santa Catarina and its development. It presents an analysis of the system from pre-school to tertiary education and lifelong learning, and identifies key directions for policy reform in light of the challenges encountered by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students. It concludes with a set of key recommendations concerning the structure of the system and its labour market relevance; access and equity; governance and management; research, development and innovation; internationalisation; and financing.

  • 17 Nov 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 166

Cette édition 2010 de l’examen périodique de l'OCDE consacré à l’économie de la Hongrie comprend les chapitres suivants :  retour à une croissance durable, viabilité de la réforme budgétaire, intensification de la stabilité financière par une meilleure réglementation et rôle accru de l’éducation dans la croissance.

  • 09 Nov 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 196

Este reporte desarrolla conocimientos comparados sobre reformas en política docente y gestión y liderazgo escolar en el contexto de un país miembro de la OCDE: México. Los resultados educativos en México pueden mejorar si se refuerza la eficacia de sus escuelas. La brecha en estándares entre el desempeño de los estudiantes en México y otros países de la OCDE sólo puede ser reducida si las escuelas se vuelven buenas en lo que hacen. Este reporte analiza las áreas fundamentales y los retos a los que se enfrenta el sistema educativo mexicano, y provee recomendaciones de políticas públicas en las áreas de gestión, liderazgo escolar y política docente. Estas recomendaciones han sido desarrolladas considerando los resultados, la calidad, los estándares educativos y de las escuelas en México en términos de lo que se sabe a nivel internacional sobre las escuelas eficaces. El resultado es una serie de recomendaciones adaptadas al contexto mexicano.

El reporte tiene dos audiencias: Busca apoyar al gobierno de México y a los actores clave del sistema educativo en el desarrollo de una visión común de largo plazo y de políticas en las áreas de gestión escolar, liderazgo escolar, participación social, así como en políticas de selección, formación inicial, desarrollo profesional y evaluación de docentes en México. A su vez, ofrece conocimientos valiosos sobre desarrollo e implementación de políticas educativas para otros países miembros y asociados de la OCDE que se encuentran en procesos de reforma de sus sistemas educativos.


As human capital is the source of innovation, one of the policy principles of the OECD Innovation Strategy is to "foster innovative workplaces". Education and training systems must rise to the challenge of providing people with the means to learn and re-train throughout their life. Companies and organisations need to maximise the human resources they have at their disposal.

Do employers make the best use of people’s skills for innovation? Are some work organisations more associated with innovation than others? If so, are these organisations more widespread in some countries than in others? Are they associated with particular labour market policies, managerial practices, learning cultures or certain levels of education? What are the challenges for innovation within organisations?
This volume shows that interaction within organisations - as well as individual and organisational learning and training - are important for innovation. The analytical tools and empirical results this study provides show how some work organisations may foster innovation through the use of employee autonomy and discretion, supported by learning and training opportunities.

Innovative Workplaces will be of interest to policy makers in the fields of education, employment and innovation as well as business leaders, academics and all readers interested in social issues.


Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training (VET) designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs.

The Flemish VET system has a good range of vocational options at different levels. The system is underpinned by strong academic standards reflected in the performance of 15-year-olds and compulsory education up to age 18. Commendable attention is given to entrepreneurial training. Policy development is dynamic and evidence is used extensively in reforms. At the same time the system faces a number of challenges, including early tracking, weaknesses in literacy and numeracy skills among some students, and too many unqualified school leavers. The use of workplace training is very variable, and some training provision inadequately reflects labour market needs. The quality of career guidance in compulsory education could also usefully be improved.

The OECD review assesses the main challenges faced by the VET system and presents an interconnected package of policy recommendations. For each recommendation, the report describes the challenge, the recommendation itself, supporting arguments, and issues of implementation.

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