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Year Index

  • 30 Dec 2008
  • Viktoria Kis, Maria Luisa Ferreira, Simon Field, Thomas Zwick
  • Pages: 68

Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training (VET) designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs.

Since 1989, Hungary has made significant efforts to restructure its VET system and it now has many strengths, including a strong national qualifications framework. But there are significant challenges, including weak links between VET and the labour market, early tracking and multiple selection mechanisms in the school system, and the low status of VET.

The OECD review assesses the main challenges faced by the VET system and presents an interconnected package of policy recommendations. For each recommendation, the report describes the challenge, the recommendation itself, supporting arguments, and issues of implementation.

¿Están los alumnos adecuadamente preparados para enfrentarse a los retos que les depara el futuro? ¿Son capaces de analizar, razonar y comunicar con eficacia sus ideas? ¿Saben ya cuáles serán sus intereses profesionales a lo largo de su vida, como miembros productivos de la economía y la sociedad? El Programa para la Evaluación Internacional de Alumnos (PISA). De la OCDE, pretende aportar algunas respuestas, a través de sus encuestas sobre las competencias clave de los alumnos de 15 años. Cada tres años se realizan las evaluaciones PISA en los países miembros de la OCDE, así como en un grupo de economías y países asociados, que juntos representan casi un 90% de la economía mundial.
Informe PISA: Competencias científicas para el mundo del mañana presenta los resultados de la última evaluación PISA, que se ha centrado en ciencias, pero también ha evaluado las competencias matemáticas y lectoras
El Volumen 2: Datos, presenta toda la información estadística subyacente del análisis publicado en el Volumen 1 en el que se analiza el rendimiento de los estudiantes, centros educativos y países en su contexto social, e identifica importantes políticas y prácticas educativas asociadas al éxito en la educación.
El informe PISA 2006 completa, junto con PISA 2000 y PISA 2003, el primer ciclo de evaluación en las tres materias clave. En la actualidad, PISA está llevando a cabo un segundo ciclo de informes que comenzará en 2009 con la lectura como asignatura principal y continuará en 2012 (matemáticas) y 2015 (ciencias).

English, Portuguese
  • 30 Nov 2008
  • Kathrin Hoeckel, Simon Field, Troy R. Justesen, Moonhee Kim
  • Pages: 62

Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training (VET) designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs.

The Australian VET system has many strengths including strong engagement of employers, a well established national qualification system, extensive VET data and research. The system is flexible and allows for a fair degree of local autonomy and experimentation. But at the same time there are a number of challenges, including a lack of clarity and potentially duplication in the respective roles of Commonwealth, states and territories in planning and delivering VET, a lack of clear and simple rules for entitlement to funding, difficulties in providing a reliable foundation in skills forecasts, some gaps in the data base, somewhat complicated and cumbersome training packages and an ageing teacher and trainer workforce.

The OECD review assesses the main challenges faced by the VET system and presents an interconnected package of policy recommendations. For each recommendation, the report describes the challenge, the recommendation itself, supporting arguments, and issues of implementation.

Les changements démographiques déterminent les politiques sociales : la majorité des pays de l’OCDE voient leur population vieillir et comporter plus de migrants et de « minorités ». Au Japon et en Corée, les effectifs étudiants de l’enseignement supérieur ont commencé à baisser, alors qu’ils devraient connaître une forte croissance en Turquie ou au Mexique. À partir de tendances et de projections, cet ouvrage étudie dans le détail toutes ces questions à la fois sur les plans qualitatif et quantitatif. Il examine entre autres l’impact des changements démographiques sur les effectifs étudiants, sur les niveaux d’éducation, sur le personnel enseignant et sur les choix politiques. Il s’intéresse par exemple aux politiques d’accès à l’enseignement supérieur et à leur effet sur la taille et la composition des effectifs, en examinant notamment les cas des étudiants handicapés et des migrants. L’analyse couvre la plupart des pays de l’OCDE et est illustrée par les exemples spécifiques de la Corée, de la France, des États-Unis et du Japon.
Ce volume est le premier de la série L’enseignement supérieur à l’horizon 2030 qui analyse de manière prospective l’impact des différentes tendances actuelles sur l’enseignement supérieur. Les deux volumes suivants observeront les effets de la technologie et de la mondialisation, et le quatrième présentera des scénarios sur l’avenir de l’enseignement supérieur.
  • 18 Nov 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 300
Demographic changes increasingly shape social policies as most OECD populations are ageing and include more migrants and “minorities”. Japan and Korea have already started to see their enrolments in tertiary education decline, but other countries like Turkey and Mexico can still expect a boom. Drawing on trend data and projections, this book takes an in-depth look at these important questions from both a qualitative and quantitative standpoint. Issues covered include the impact of demographic changes on student enrolment, educational attainment, academic staff and policy choices. Particular attention is given to how access policies determine the demographics of tertiary education, notably by examining access to higher education for disabled and migrant students. The book covers most OECD countries, illustrating the analysis with specific examples from France, Japan, Korea and the United States. This book is the first volume in the Higher Education to 2030 series, which takes a forward-looking approach to analysing the impact of various contemporary trends on tertiary education systems. Two further volumes will examine the effects of technology and globalisation, and a fourth will present scenarios for the future of higher education systems.
  • 12 Nov 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

Encouraging Student Interest in Science and Technology Studies examines overall trends in higher education enrolments and the evolution of S&T compared with other disciplines. The results suggest that although absolute numbers of S&T students have been rising as access to higher levels of education expands in OECD economies, the relative share of S&T students among the overall student population has been falling, The report shows that encouraging interest in S&T studies requires action to tackle a host of issues inside and outside the education system, ranging from teacher training and curriculum design to improving the image of S&T careers. Numerous examples of national initiatives are used to complement the analyses to derive a set of practical recommendations.

  • 03 Nov 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 257

OECD economies have experienced the transformation from their traditional industrial base to the knowledge era, in which learning and innovation are central. Yet, many of today’s schools have not caught up: they continue to operate as they did in the earlier decades of the 20 century. This book summarises and discusses key findings from the learning sciences, shedding light on the cognitive and social processes that can be used to redesign classrooms to make them highly effective learning environments. It explores concrete examples in OECD countries, from alternative schools to specific cases in Mexico, in which the actors are seeking to break the mould and realise the principles emerging from learning science research. The book also asks how these insights can inspire educational reform for the knowledge era, in which optimising learning is the driving aim and in which innovation is both the widespread catalyst of change and the defining result.

  • 30 Oct 2008
  • Małgorzata Kuczera, Giorgio Brunello, Simon Field, Nancy Hoffman
  • Pages: 52

Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training (VET) designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs.

The Norwegian VET system has many strengths including strong and trustful co-operation between employers, unions and VET authorities and high-status VET tracks in upper secondary education. Many employers are keen to attract apprentices and there is a high level of adult literacy. But there are significant challenges, including an ageing workforce of school-based trainers, weak quality assurance mechanisms, high levels of dropout and concerns that the priority accorded to student choice may make the system unresponsive to labour market needs.

The OECD review assesses the main challenges faced by the VET system and presents an interconnected package of policy recommendations. For each recommendation, the report describes the challenge, the recommendation itself, supporting arguments, and issues of implementation.

Value-added estimates are a significant improvement upon measures of school performance currently used in most education systems across OECD countries. They provide a fundamentally more accurate and valuable quantitative basis for school improvement planning, policy development and for enacting effective school accountability arrangements. This groundbreaking report provides examples of best practices in value-added modeling for measuring school performance.

Spanish, Slovenian
  • 10 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 139

A comprehensive review of the Dutch tertiary education system, covering governance, resourcing, access and equity, research and innovation, connections with the labour market, quality assurance and enhancement and the international dimension. This review was conducted with a view to helping the Netherlands reach its economic and social goals and includes recommendations.

  • 10 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 336
Stimulating innovative and growth-oriented entrepreneurship is a key economic and societal challenge to which universities and colleges have much to contribute. This book examines the role that higher education institutions are currently playing through teaching entrepreneurship and transferring knowledge and innovation to enterprises and discusses how they should develop this role in the future. The key issues, approaches and trends are analysed and compared across a range of countries, from the experiences of the most entrepreneurial universities in North America to advanced European models and emerging practices in Central and Eastern Europe.

It is clear that entrepreneurship engagement is a rapidly expanding and evolving aspect of higher education that requires proper support and development. The book stresses the need to expand existing entrepreneurship efforts and introduce more creative and effective approaches, building on the best practices highlighted from around the world. It will provide inspiration for those in higher education seeking to expand and improve their entrepreneurship teaching and knowledge-transfer activities, and for policy makers who wish to provide appropriate support initiatives and frameworks.

  • 01 Oct 2008
  • Brian Keeley
  • Pages: 170

Welche Auswirkungen haben Bildung und Lernen auf unsere Gesellschaften und Volkswirtschaften? Wie lassen sich Ungleichheiten in der Bildung beseitigen? Und wie können wir gewährleisten, dass jeder Einzelne in allen Lebensphasen die Art von Lernmöglichkeit erhält, die ihm den größtmöglichen Nutzen bringt und durch die er sein Humankapital voll entfalten kann?

Dieser Bericht erläutert die zunehmende Bedeutung des Humankapitals für den Einzelnen und für die Gesellschaft bei der Bewältigung des sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Wandels. Ferner wird untersucht, inwiefern es den Ländern gelingt, die Menschen Zeit ihres Lebens durch die Bereitstellung von Aus- und Weiterbildungsangeboten zu unterstützen.

Spanish, English, French, Croatian
  • 22 Sept 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 88

Cette nouvelle publication biennale observe les 26 grandes tendances de l'éducation regroupées en 9 thématiques (le vieillissement, les grands défis mondiaux, le nouveau visage de l’économie mondiale, l’évolution du monde du travail et de l’emploi, la société de l’apprentissage, les TIC : la nouvelle génération, les citoyens et l’État, les liens sociaux et les valeurs sociales, et une prospérité durable). Chaque tendance est présentée sur une double page comprenant une brève introduction, deux graphiques accompagnés d’un texte explicatif, et trois questions clés sur les effets de la tendance sur l’avenir de l’éducation. Pour chaque graphique, un lien dynamique (StatLink) dirige le lecteur vers une page Internet où les données correspondantes sont disponibles en format Excel®.

English, Dutch, Chinese
This book provides a thorough international investigation of tertiary education policy across its many facets – governance, funding, quality assurance, equity, research and innovation, academic career, links to the labour market and internationalisation. It presents an analysis of the trends and developments in tertiary education; a synthesis of research-based evidence on the impact of tertiary-education policies; innovative and successful policies and practices that countries have implemented; and tertiary-education policy options. The report draws on the results of a major OECD review of tertiary education policy – the OECD Thematic Review of Tertiary Education -- conducted over the 2004-08 period in collaboration with 24 countries around the world.

“The new ‘bible’ of Post-secondary education.”

-Paul Cappon, President of the Canadian Council on Learning

 “An exceptionally useful and interesting review.”

-Tom Boland, Chief Executive, Higher Education Authority of Ireland

 “The reference text for the future debate on tertiary education.”

-José Joaquín Brunner, Professor and Director,
Centre for Comparative Education Policies, University of Diego Portales, Chile



  • 15 Sept 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 316

Presents the full data set underlying PISA 2006 Volume 1: Analysis.  Includes data on student performance in science, student engagement in science, quality and equity in schools, school and system characteristics, and student performance in reading and mathematics.

Spanish, Portuguese
  • 10 Sept 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 567
Bildung auf einen Blick ist das jährlich erscheinende Kompendium der OECD mit international vergleichbaren Bildungsstatistiken.
In der Ausgabe 2008 wird die kontinuierliche Ausweitung des Bildungssektors untersucht, die dazu führte, dass heute 57% aller jungen Menschen ein Studium aufnehmen.
Internationale Vergleiche können den Bildungssystemen bei der Bewältigung der mit dieser Ausweitung verbundenen Herausforderungen helfen, indem sie ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, ihre Leistung im Licht dessen zu sehen, was in anderen Ländern in der Bildungspolitik geschieht.
French, Portuguese, Spanish, English
  • 08 Sept 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 554

L’édition 2008 de Regards sur l'éducation 2008: Les indicateurs de l'OCDE présente une imposante batterie d’indicateurs actualisés et comparables sur les résultats des systèmes éducatifs. Ces indicateurs sont le fruit d’une concertation entre spécialistes sur la façon de mesurer l’état actuel de l’éducation à l’échelle internationale.

Les indicateurs analysent qui participe aux activités éducatives, quelles dépenses leur sont affectées, comment les systèmes éducatifs fonctionnent et quels sont les résultats obtenus. Les indicateurs de résultats portent sur des aspects très variés allant de la comparaison des performances des élèves dans des disciplines fondamentales à l’analyse de l’impact de la formation sur les revenus professionnels et les possibilités d’emploi à l’âge adulte.

Cette édition comprend des éléments nouveaux, notamment : Un panorama des taux d'accès à l'enseignement tertiaire selon le domaine d'études ; des informations sur les compétences en sciences des élèves de 15 ans ; une analyse du milieu socio-économique des élèves de 15 ans et du rôle de leurs parents ; des données sur l'influence du milieu socio-économique des parents sur la participation des élèves à l'enseignement supérieur ; des données sur les rendements de l'éducation ; des informations sur la gouvernance des établissements d'enseignement supérieur ; une évaluation de l’efficacité des dépenses publiques au titre de l’éducation ; des données sur l'impact des évaluations sur les systèmes d'éducation ; une comparaison des niveaux de prise de décision concernant l'éducation selon les pays.

English, German, Spanish, Portuguese
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