3 Volume 3, Issue 11


291. Responses to the 2002 Survey on Measures taken to Combat Bribery in Officially

Supported Export Credits – as of 3 October 2003

292. Members’ Procedures and Practices Regarding Officially Supported Export Credits and

the Environment – as of 20 October 2003

293. The Doha Development Agenda: Welfare Gains from Further Multilateral Trade

Liberalisation with Respect to Tariffs

294. The Impact of Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights on Trade and Foreign Direct

Investment in Developing Countries

295. Trade Facilitation Reforms in the Service of Development

296. Quantitative Assessment of the Benefits of Trade Facilitation

297. Services Trade Liberalisation: Identifying Opportunities and Gains - Key Findings

298. Managing Request-Offer Negotiations under the GATS: The Case of Insurance


02 Feb 2004 355 pages English Also available in: French


Author(s): OECD