Economic Policy Reforms 2009

Going for Growth

image of Economic Policy Reforms 2009
Going for Growth 2009 highlights the most appropriate structural reforms to pursue to improve performance, takes stock of recent progress in implementing structural policy reforms and identifies five policy priorities for each OECD country that could lift economic growth in the long run. It calls for reforms in a number of areas in order to strengthen labour productivity and employment, including reforms to education systems, product market regulation, agricultural policies, tax and benefit systems, health care and labour market policies. In addition, this issue contains four analytical chapters covering taxation and economic growth, reform of product market regulation, infrastructure investment and the effect of population structure on employment and productivity.

English Also available in: French

Infrastructure Investment

Links to Growth and the Role of Public Policy

Infrastructure performs a vital role for the functioning of the economy. However, investments in the past have sometimes been wasteful. This chapter first assesses the impact of investment in energy, water, transport and telecommunication networks on the economy, showing that it has had effects on output over and above those of other types of investment. However, this relationship does not hold for all countries and types of infrastructure, and may have become weaker more recently. Policies that support a competitive environment, bolstered by greater independence of regulators and transparent decision making, determinies whether public or private investment is more appropriate. Such policies help to ensure more efficient investment in infrastructure.

English Also available in: French


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