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This review introduces the background to and issues at stake in promoting equal partnerships in families in Germany.  It encourages German policy makers to build on the important reforms since the mid-2000s to enable both fathers and mothers to have careers and children, and urges families to “dare to share”. To those ends it places Germany’s experience in an international comparison, and draws from the experience in, for example, France and the Nordic countries which have longstanding policies to support work-life balance and strengthen gender equality. The review starts with an overview chapter also explaining why and how equal sharing pays for families, children, the economy and society as a whole. The book presents current outcomes, policy trends, as well as detailed analysis of the drivers of paid and unpaid work and how more equal partnerships in families may help sustain fertility rates.  The book examines policies to promote partnership, looking both at persistent shortcomings and progress achieved through reform since the mid-2000s. The book includes a set of policy recommendations designed to enable parents to share work and family responsibilities more equally.

  • 11 Jun 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 158
The OECD Data and Metadata Reporting and Presentation Handbook contains guidelines and recommended best practice for the presentation of statistical data and metadata disseminated by national agencies and international organisations in various dissemination media. The Handbook brings together in one publication relevant presentation guidelines embodied in existing international statistical standards where they exist. The Handbook also presents for the first time a standard set of terminologies and guidelines for the presentation of growth rates, indices and seasonally adjusted data developed by the OECD Short-term Economic Statistics Working Party. 
  • 06 Jun 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 104

The OECD’s New Approaches to Economic Challenges (NAEC) initiative invited experts from inside and outside the Organisation to discuss complexity theory as a means to better understand the interconnected nature of the trends and influences shaping our socio-economic environment. Their contributions, brought together here, examine the assumptions, strengths and shortcomings of traditional models, and propose a way to build new ones that would take into account factors such as psychology, history and culture neglected by these models. The authors concentrate on the discipline of economics as such; the financial system; and applications of complexity theory to policy making and governance. They argue that a new narrative is needed to integrate the hopes, values, attitudes and behaviours of people into economics along with the facts and data economists are more used to dealing with.

Spanish, French
  • 21 Sept 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 168

To capitalise on the new international resolve epitomised by COP21 and the agreement on the universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires a renewed effort to promote new policy thinking and new approaches to the great challenges ahead. Responding to new challenges means we have to adopt more ambitious frameworks, design more effective tools, and propose more precise policies that will take account of the complex and multidimensional nature of the challenges. The goal is to develop a better sense of how economies really work and to articulate strategies which reflect this understanding. The OECD’s New Approaches to Economic Challenges (NAEC) exercise challenges our assumptions and our understanding about the workings of the economy. This collection from OECD Insights summarises opinions from inside and outside the Organisation on how NAEC can contribute to achieving the SDGs, and describes how the OECD is placing its statistical, monitoring and analytical capacities at the service of the international community. The authors also consider the transformation of the world economy that will be needed and the long-term “tectonic shifts” that are affecting people, the planet, global productivity, and institutions.

French, Spanish

In spite of progress made to date and the significant long-term ambition announced by many countries, climate policy actions remain insufficient to meet the Paris Agreement objectives. While several international initiatives aim to track and monitor climate policies, there is not yet a “go to” place for a comprehensive inventory of policy actions and best practices worldwide. Such a platform would also ideally serve to compare policies’ effectiveness reflecting the diversity of country circumstances. Progress in this direction would help to promote an ambitious but globally more coherent and better-coordinated approach to emission reductions through a broad range of policies. This report lays out a roadmap for data and analytical work to support this aim, with a view to enhancing global dialogue and building trust on issues spanning climate change mitigation policies and their macro-economic repercussions. Key elements to strengthen the assessment and comparison of countries’ climate change mitigation policies across countries include: broadening and deepening the stocktaking of mitigation policies; extending and agreeing on an operational methodology for estimating the impact of these policies on emissions and on potential metrics to compare them; and assessing the broader economic effects of different climate policies.

When Member States of the United Nations approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015, they agreed that the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets should be met for all nations and peoples and for all segments of society. Governments and stakeholders negotiating the 2030 Agenda backed the ambition of leaving no one behind, an ambition increasingly referred to in development policies, international agendas and civil society advocacy.

How can we transform this ambition into reality? Policy makers, civil society and business are asking for more clarity on how to ensure that no one is left behind in practice. What does it mean for the design and delivery of economic, social and environmental policies? How should development co-operation policies, programming and accountability adapt? What should governments, development partners and the international community do differently to ensure that sustainable development goals benefit everyone and the furthest behind first?

The 2018 Development Co-operation Report: Joining Forces to Leave No One Behind addresses all of these questions and many more. Informed by the latest evidence on what it means to be left behind, it adopts a wide range of perspectives and draws lessons from policies, practices and partnerships that work. The report proposes a holistic and innovative framework to shape and guide development co-operation policies and tools that are fit for the purpose of leaving no one behind.


Since joining the OECD in 1996, Korea has made impressive progress in raising living standards. Over 1996-2016, the country closed the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita gap with the OECD average by 26 percentage points. Vibrant exports underpinned strong economic growth, with Korea becoming the eighth largest exporter in the world. The country’s focus on innovation (its R&D spending is the second highest in the OECD) combined with its highly skilled population (it is among the top performers in the OECD’s Programme of International Student Assessment) supported this success. However, the convergence of Korea’s living standards to those in the most advanced countries has stalled in recent years. Output growth has slowed from 4.4% annually over 2001-10 to 2.8% since 2011. The country faces strong competition from emerging economies, notably the People’s Republic of China in low- and medium-end markets, and with advanced economies in high-end markets. This makes it more difficult for Korea to further expand its global market share.

  • 11 Apr 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 558

This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups.  It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually.  It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2008. 

  • 12 Mar 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 548

This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups. It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually. It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2009. 

  • 01 Jul 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 552

This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups.  It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually.  It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2010. 

  • 09 Jun 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 584

This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups.  It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually.  It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2011.

  • 27 Sept 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 564

This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups.  It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually.  It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2012.


This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups.  It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually.  It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2006. 


This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups.  It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually.  It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2007. 

  • 05 Dec 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 388

In the three decades to the recent economic downturn, wage gaps widened and household income inequality  as measured by GINI increased in a large majority of OECD countries. This occurred even when countries were going through a period of sustained economic and employment growth. This report analyses the major underlying forces behind these developments. It examines to which extent economic globalisation, skill-biased technological progress and institutional and regulatory reforms have had an impact on the distribution of earnings. The report further provides evidence of how changes in family formation and household structures have altered household earnings and income inequality. And it documents how tax and benefit systems have changed in the ways they redistribute household incomes. The report discusses which policies are most promising to counter increases in inequalities and how the policy mix can be adjusted when public budgets are under strain.

"Analyses rely on simple statistical techniques that are accessible to a large readership... the graphic and charts are of great help to gain a quick visual grasp of the various issues addressed."


Korean, French

Sprawozdanie zawiera zmiany wytycznych OECD dotyczących cen transferowych w celu dostosowania wyników w zakresie cen transferowych do procesu tworzenia wartości. Zaktualizowane wytyczne koncentrują się na następujących kluczowych obszarach: kwestie cen transferowych związane z transakcjami dotyczącymi wartości niematerialnych; ustalenia umowne, w tym umowny podział ryzyka i odpowiadających mu zysków, które nie są wspierane przez faktycznie prowadzone działania; poziom zwrotu z finansowania zapewnianego przez bogatego w kapitał członka grupy MNE, w przypadku gdy zwrot ten nie odpowiada poziomowi działalności podejmowanej przez przedsiębiorstwo finansujące; oraz inne obszary wysokiego ryzyka. W sprawozdaniu przedstawiono również działania następcze, które należy podjąć w związku z metodą podziału zysku z transakcji, które doprowadzą do uzyskania szczegółowych wskazówek co do tego, w jaki sposób metoda ta może być odpowiednio zastosowana w celu dalszego dostosowania wyników w zakresie cen transferowych do procesu tworzenia wartości.

Spanish, English, French, German
  • 09 May 2018
  • Brian Keeley
  • Pages: 136

La desigualdad de ingresos va en aumento. Un cuarto de siglo atrás, el ingreso disponible promedio del 10% más rico de la población de los países de la OCDE ganaba cerca de siete veces más que el 10% más pobre; hoy, gana alrededor de nueve y media veces más. ¿Por qué es importante este dato? Muchos temen que esta creciente brecha es perjudicial para las personas, las sociedades e incluso las economías. En este libro se explora la desigualdad de ingresos bajo tres principales categorías. Se empieza por explicar algunos términos clave abordados en el discurso sobre desigualdad. Después se analizan las tendencias recientes y se describe por qué la desigualdad de ingresos varía entre un país y otro. A continuación, se estudian las razones del aumento de las brechas en los ingresos y, en particular, el incremento del 1% ubicado en el extremo superior. Asimismo, se abordan las consecuencias de lo anterior, incluidos los resultados de la investigación, los cuales sugieren que el crecimiento de la desigualdad lesionaría el crecimiento económico. Por último, se revisan las políticas para hacer frente a la desigualdad y aumentar el carácter incluyente de las economías.

French, English

Die OECD in Zahlen und Fakten 2013 ist ein umfassendes, dynamisches statistisches Jahrbuch, das von der OECD herausgegeben wird und über 100 Indikatoren zu einem breiten Spektrum von Themen vorstellt: Landwirtschaft, Wirtschaft und Produktion, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Bildung, Energie, Umwelt, Gesundheit, Vermögen der privaten Haushalte, Industrie, Information und Kommunikation, internationaler Handel, Erwerbsbevölkerung, Bevölkerung, Besteuerung, öffentliche Ausgaben und Transparenz sowie Forschung und Entwicklung. Darüber hinaus enthält diese Ausgabe ein Sonderkapitel zum Thema Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau.

Aufgezeigt werden Daten für alle OECD-Mitgliedsländer, ergänzt durch regionale Gesamtwerte, sowie Daten für ausgewählte Nicht-OECD-Volkswirtschaften (Brasilien, China, Indien, Indonesien, Russland und Südafrika). Für jeden Indikator ist eine Doppelseite vorgesehen. Auf der linken Seite befindet sich in Textform eine kurze Einführung, gefolgt von einer detaillierten Definition des Indikators, Anmerkungen zur Vergleichbarkeit der Daten, einer Beurteilung der langfristigen Trends des jeweiligen Indikators sowie einer Liste mit Hinweisen auf weitere Informationen über den Indikator. Die rechte Seite enthält eine Tabelle und eine Abbildung, die die Kernaussagen der Daten auf einen Blick erkennen lässt. Jede Tabelle ist mit einem dynamischen Link (StatLink) ausgestattet, von dem die Leser die entsprechenden Daten herunterladen können.

Die OECD in Zahlen und Fakten gibt es auch als App für Ihr Smartphone! Kostenlos erhältlich in Ihrem App Store.

French, English

Since joining the OECD in 1996, Korea has made impressive progress in raising living standards. Over 1996-2016, the country closed the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita gap with the OECD average by 26 percentage points. Vibrant exports underpinned strong economic growth, with Korea becoming the eighth largest exporter in the world. The country’s focus on innovation (its R&D spending is the second highest in the OECD) combined with its highly skilled population (it is among the top performers in the OECD’s Programme of International Student Assessment) supported this success. However, the convergence of Korea’s living standards to those in the most advanced countries has stalled in recent years. Output growth has slowed from 4.4% annually over 2001-10 to 2.8% since 2011. The country faces strong competition from emerging economies, notably the People’s Republic of China in low- and medium-end markets, and with advanced economies in high-end markets. This makes it more difficult for Korea to further expand its global market share.


Was sind die Hintergründe und entscheidenden Fragen bei der Förderung einer partnerschaftlichen Aufgabenteilung in Familie und Beruf in Deutschland?  Dieser Bericht soll die Politikverantwortlichen in Deutschland darin bestärken, die wichtigen seit Mitte der 2000er Jahre eingeleiteten Reformen weiterzuführen, um die Vereinbarkeit von beruflichen und familiären Pflichten für Väter und Mütter zu verbessern. Für die Familien heißt das: „Mehr Partnerschaftlichkeit wagen“. Die deutschen Erfahrungen werden dabei im internationalen Vergleich untersucht, u.a. mit Blick auf Frankreich und die nordischen Länder, die seit langem eine Politik zur Förderung der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf sowie zur Stärkung der Geschlechtergleichstellung verfolgen. Der Bericht beginnt mit einem Übersichtskapitel, in dem erklärt wird, warum und wie sich Partnerschaftlichkeit für Familien, Kinder sowie Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft insgesamt auszahlt. Vorgestellt werden aktuelle Daten, Politiktrends sowie detaillierte Analysen der ausschlaggebenden Faktoren für die Aufteilung von bezahlter und unbezahlter Arbeit, einschließlich der Frage, wie mehr Partnerschaftlichkeit in Familie und Beruf zu höheren Geburtenraten führen kann.  Außerdem werden Politikmaßnahmen zur Förderung der Partnerschaftlichkeit untersucht, wobei sich der Blick sowohl auf nach wie vor bestehende Unzulänglichkeiten als auch auf die Fortschritte richtet, die mit den seit Mitte der 2000er Jahre eingeleiteten Reformen erzielt wurden. Der Bericht enthält eine Reihe von Politikempfehlungen, deren Ziel es ist, Eltern eine ausgewogenere Aufteilung beruflicher und familiärer Pflichten zu ermöglichen.

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