Development Co-operation Report 2006

Efforts and Policies of the Members of the Development Assistance Committee

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The OECD Development Assistance Committee's annual report on international aid. This year's edition includes an overview reviewing recent trends in aid volume, allocation, and effectiveness. A special chapter looks at how aid for trade can be made more effective.  Preliminary findings from the 2006 Baseline Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration are also presented.  Individual chapters for each donor country summarize key features of each country's programme including data on total flows, breakdowns by income group, geographical region and sector, and listing of the top ten recipients. Country chapters also include commentary on the donor's commitment to the MDGs, aid effectiveness, and policy coherence. The comprehensive statistical annex provides graphs and tables showing the evolution of aid flows.

English Also available in: German, French


In 2005 Germany’s net ODA was USD 10.1 billion, an increase of 32.9% in real terms over 2004. The ODA/GNI ratio increased from 0.28% in 2004 to 0.36% in 2005. Commitment to the MDGs. Germany views its development policy as part of the global ambition to realise the goals of the Millennium Declaration. The main goals of German development policy are to reduce poverty, build peace, promote democracy and equitable forms of globalisation and protect the environment. The aim of improving general international conditions and national structures, both in partner countries and in Germany, is linked to the goal of sustainable development. This comprises economic efficiency, social justice, ecological sustainability and political stability. In line with the commitment for new partnerships, Germany advocates greater participation by developing countries in multilateral decision-making processes, for instance, by reforming the way voting rights are allocated within multilateral institutions.

English Also available in: French

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