Environment, Water Resources and Agricultural Policies

Lessons from China and OECD Countries

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China's endowment of water resources is extremely low, poorly distributed, and increasingly polluted.  With agriculture being one of the main consumers of water, China's future development depends on initiatives that will raise the efficiency and efficacy of water use.  These workshop proceedings examine the current situation in China, look at what is being done in OECD countries to manage water resources, and suggest policy options for China.


Agri-Environmental Policies in OECD Countries and Natural Resource Management

Agriculture is the major user of renewable land and water resources in OECD countries and contributes to the provision of ecosystem services, including biodiversity. Governments give a high priority to the sustainability of agriculture such that food and fibre be efficiently produced to can meet present and future needs while maintaining the health of the environment. A wide range of economic instruments, regulations and voluntary approaches have been employed across OECD countries to address agri-environmental issues, and there has been some converge in policy approaches recognising that improvements involve both reducing the environmental harm and enhancing the benefits from agriculture, as well as changing agricultural practices and avoiding agriculture on land with high ecological value.


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